
第4章 佛蒙特州(4)

20.The state has 223mountains over 2,000feet in elevation(海拔).The mountainous areas of the state are primarily forested.

21.Vermont government is distinctive(与众不同的,有特色的)or its local tradition of Town Meeting Day,held the first Tuesday in March.In many towns and villages,municipal and school budgets are voted from the floor as they have been for nearly 200years.

22.Vermont’s highly skilled workers are employed primarily in producing electronic components and equipment,machine tools,specialty consumer products,wood products,quarried and finished stone,and printing.

23.The largest and oldest institution,the University of Vermont in Burlington(伯灵顿,美国佛蒙特州西北部一城市,在蒙彼利埃西北偏西,位于的尚普兰湖边,是该州最大的城市,在1812年的战争期间曾是陆军和海军基地。),was founded in 1791.Norwich University in Northfield,established in 1819,is the oldest private military college in the United States.

24.Vermont enjoys four distinct seasons,and thanks to its diverse geography,distinctive regional weather.

25.Cross country ski and snowmobile(雪上汽车)trails provide paths into parts of the Vermont woods you can’t easily get to at other times.

26.As part of The Long Trail Patrol,seasonal staff trail crew and volunteers roll big rocks,dig ditches(沟,沟渠),and bang nails.Volunteers are selected,on a case by case basis to join a crew for a day or a week.The crews work a five-day week.

27.Vermont’s agriculture is very diverse(不同的,变化多的).Approximately 6,000farms in Vermont produce everything from emus(鸸鹋(产于澳洲的一种体型大而不会飞的鸟))to sheep’s milk cheese.Nearly a million and a half acres of Vermont land are in agriculture,sustaining the pastoral landscape that has made Vermont famous.

28.Vermont elected the first woman Lt.Governor in the nation,Consuelo N.Bailey,in 1954.

29.Admiral(海军上将,舰队司令)George Dewey,naval hero in the Spanish American War,was a Montpelier native.

30.State parks in Vermont come with creature comforts like toilets and hot showers,and they offer nature walks and kids’playgrounds and games,snack bars,weekend music concerts and other cultural events,all for a bargain price.

31.it wasn’t long before the region’s timberlands became viewed as a valuable resource for the new country.Today,Vermont is home to a vibrant wood products industry that has much to offer the visitor.

32.On the eastern side of the state the scenic village of Bradford is home to the Middle Earth Music Hall.

33.In Middlebury,a local church is the performance space for the After Dark Music Series.

34.From Bennington(本宁顿,美国佛蒙特州西南部的一城镇,位于布拉特尔伯勒以东。)in southern Vermont,to Woodstock,Plainfield or Montpelier in the center of the state,to St.Johnsbury,Peacham or Craftsbury Common in the north—filmmakers have utilized(利用)our state’s scenic qualities since the earliest movies.

35.And while suburban sprawl and the rise of “big box”retailers have homogenized(使均匀)so many American cities,Vermont’s downtowns remain among the most interesting and exciting urban spaces in the country.

36.Cities like Bennington,Brattleboro(布莱特尔博罗,美国佛蒙特州东南部城市,位于新罕布什尔州边界康涅狄格河上,于1753年获得特许权,现在是冬日旅游胜地。),Burlington,Middlebury,and Montpelier,are pedestrian-friendly and full of unique shops and attractions.In Rutland,Springfield,and St.Johnsbury,the state’s architectural masterpieces are on display and in active use.

37.In Central Vermont,Barre’s Farmers’Diner features diner fare but with a twist.Diners here are served food from farms,smokehouses and others within a 60miles radius.

38.Each year,hundreds of Vermont artisans open their studio doors to the public,allowing you the chance to see the artistry behind the art.Participating artists include furniture makers,glass blowers,ironworkers,jewelers,painters,potters(陶工,制陶工人),printmakers(版画复制匠),quilt makers,sculptors(雕刻家),weavers,and wood carvers.

39.According to the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department,there are no less than 84wildlife management areas throughout the state.

40.Products from Vermont’s forests are admired and sold around the world.

41.Timber(木材,木料)cut from Vermont’s forests is crafted into everything from baseball bats and toys,to furniture and musical instruments.

42.Wood from Vermont is used to make the nation’s homes—framing,clapboards(墙板,隔板),flooring,architectural millwork(磨坊),kitchen cabinets,and log cabins.

43.Despite the world’s insistence that faster is better,Vermont continues to adhere to(坚持)a more deliberate timetable.

44.Vermont has established a national reputation as a place where fine crafts are made and sold.

45.From hand-woven fabrics(织品,织物),to hand-fired clay pots,carving and glassworks,Vermont’s crafting tradition is finding a new life in the 21st century.

46.Traditional food items are a staple(主要产品(或商品),原材料)in Vermont’s pantry(餐具室,食品室).The robust all natural flavor of maple and smoked hams from Vermont’s Harrington Hams of Richmond are shipped all over the globe.

47.Every state has its claim to fame,but there’s none sweeter than Vermont’s position as America’s maple syrup(枫蜜,糖枫汁)capital.

48.Bird migrations in Vermont portend(预示)changes in seasons and Vermont happens to be on one of the major migration routes.

49.The Audubon[奥特朋(1785—1851,美国鸟类学家,画家及博物学家)]Center in Huntington is one of eight local Audubon chapters in Vermont.

50.Audubon Vermont in Huntington offers year-round education programs through school,camp,family,and adult programs,and workshops throughout the state.
