
第21章 堪萨斯州(4)

The Common Sunflower has a long history of association with people.Nearly 3,000years ago it was domesticated for food production by the Native Americans.The seeds of the wild type of sunflower are only about 5mm.long.It was only through careful selection for the largest size seeds over hundreds of years that the cultivated(栽植的)sunflower was produced.Lewis and Clark made mention in their journals of its usage by the plains Indians.It was brought back to the Old World by the early European explorers and widely cultivated there also.Today it is a common alternative crop in the Great Plains and elsewhere for food and oil production.Next time you munch down on some sunflower seeds,thank the many generations of Native Americans whose careful husbandry(管理)gave us this valuable food item.

The wild cousins of those grown on the farm are still common,however,in fields,roadsides and disturbed ground throughout the Great Plains.

The Common Sunflower is a typical member of the Asteraceae,one of the largest and most successful families of plants.Within the structure we think of as the “flower”,it actually has two different types of flowers -ray and disk flowers.

The ray flowers have the big,straplike structures that we see around the edge of the “flower”while the disk flowers occupy the middle of it.Within the Asteraceae,many confusing combinations of the two are possible along with the total absence of one or the other in some species!Individual ray or disk flowers may be male,female or both and either fertile or infertile(do or don’t produce seeds).In sunflowers,the ray flowers are usually female and infertile(不结果实的).The disk flowers are both male and female and are fertile.

The rough-hairy quality of the Common Sunflower is characteristic of many members of its family.These little bristles probably serve two functions:to discourage plant-eating animals and to conserve water in the plant by limiting evaporation[蒸发(作用)].

Members of the sunflower family are popular with butterflies because the wide flower head makes a good “landing platform”and the numerous individual flowers make for a high probability of finding nectar(甘露).Monarch butterflies are commonly seen nectaring on sunflowers during their fall migration.

Whether as a source of food for people and wildlife or an eye-catching splash of color on the landscape,the Common Sunflower is an important member of the prairie community(高草原群落).

Flowering Season:Summer

Light Requirements:Sun

Flower Color:Gold,red-brown,yellow

Height:12to 108inches

Spacing:12to 24inches

Comments:Moderate to high drought tolerance

Cultivars:Full Sun Single

State Flag州旗


On March 21,1927,the state legislature enacted a proposal specifying the first official Kansas state flag.The flag comprised a blue field with the state seal in the center,topped by the state crest(顶部)incorporating a sunflower design.The state flag has remained basically the same since that time,with the addition by legislation in 1961of the word “Kansas”below the seal.

The flag was first displayed in 1927at Fort Riley by Governor Ben Paulen in the presence of troops from Fort Riley and the Kansas National Guard.

The Kansas flag consists of a dark blue field with the state seal in the center.A sunflower on a bar of twisted(螺旋状)gold lies above the seal,and below the seal is the word “Kansas”.The seal contains a landscape that includes a rising sun,representing the east;and a river and steamboat,representing commerce.In the foreground,a settler’s cabin and a man plowing a field represent agriculture.A wagon train([美史]马车队)heads west and buffalo(〈美〉[动]美洲野牛)are seen fleeing from two Indians.Around the top of the seal is a cluster(群)of 34stars.The state motto appears above the stars.

State Song州歌

Home on the Range

Oh,give me a home where the Buffalo roam

Where the Deer and the Antelope(羚羊)play;

Where never is heard a discouraging word,

And the sky is not clouded all day.


A home!A home!

Where the Deer and the Antelope play,

Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,

And the sky is not clouded all day.

Oh!give me a land where the bright diamond sand

Throws its light from the glittering streams,

Where glideth along the graceful white swan,

Like the maid in her heavenly dreams.

Oh!give me a gale of the Solomon vale,

Where the life streams with buoyancy(轻快)flow;

On the banks of the Beaver,where seldom if ever,

Any poisonous herbage(草)doth grow.

How often at night,when the heavens were bright,

With the light of the twinkling stars(闪烁星)

Have I stood here amazed,and asked as I gazed,

If their glory exceed that of ours.

I love the wild flowers in this bright land of ours,

I love the wild curlew’s shrill(尖声的)scream;

The bluffs and white rocks,and antelope flocks

That graze on the mountains so green.

The air is so pure and the breezes so fine,

The zephyrs(和风,徐风)so balmy(温和的)and light,

That I would not exchange my home here to range

Forever in azures(苍天,碧空)so bright.

William and Mary Goodwin(1904)

Oh,give me a home where the buffalo roam,

Where the deer and the antelope play;

There seldom is heard a discouraging word

And the sky is not cloudy all day.

CHORUS A home,a home

Where the deer and the antelope play,

There seldom is heard a discouraging word

And the sky is not cloudy all day.

Yes,give me the gleam(一丝光线)of the

swift mountain stream

And the place where no hurricane blows;

Oh,give me the park where the prairie dogs bark

And the mountain all covered with snow.

Oh,give me the hills and the ring of the drills

And the rich silver ore in the ground;

Yes,give me the gulch(冲沟(尤指产金地的急流峡谷))

where the miner can sluice(流出)

And the bright,yellow gold can be found.


give me the mine where the prospectors(探勘者,采矿者)find

The gold in its own native land;

And the hot springs below where the sick people go

And camp on the banks of the Grande.

Oh,give me the steed(战马)and the gun that I need

To shoot game for my own cabin home;

Then give me the camp where the fire is the lamp

And the wild Rocky Mountains to roam.