
第8章 印第安纳州(3)

The cardinal was named by early American settlers,after Catholic cardinals who dress in bright red robes.These birds are strongly territorial and have a loud,whistling song.

The male of the species is a rich scarlet(猩红色)with a mask and shading of black,while the young birds and females are a less brilliant color.The cardinal measures approximately eight inches long and is found from New York state to the Gulf of Mexico and as far west as Oklahoma.Its scientific name is Cardinalis cardinalis.

The Cardinal is sometimes called the Winter Redbird because it is most noticeable(显而易见的,值得注意的)during the winter when it is the only “redbird“present.The Cardinal is one of the most common birds in our gardens,meadows(草地,牧场),and woodlands(森林地,林地).The male Cardinal is red all over,except for the area of its throat and the region around its bill which is black;it is about the size of a Catbird[[动]猫声鸟,猫鹊(产于北美的一种鸣禽)]only with a longer tail.The head is conspicuously(显著地,超群地)crested(加以顶饰)and the large stout bill is red.The female is much duller in color with the red confined mostly to the crest,wings,and tail.This difference in coloring is common among many birds.Since it is the female that sits on the nest,her coloring must blend more with her natural surroundings to protect her eggs and young from predators(掠夺者,食肉动物).There are no seasonal changes in her plumage(鸟类羽毛,翅膀).

The Cardinal is a fine singer,and what is unusual is that the female sings as beautifully as the male.The male generally monopolizes(独占,垄断)the art of song in the bird world.

The nest of the Cardinal is rather an untidy affair built of weed stems,grass and similar materials in low shrubs,small trees or bunches of briars([植]石南),generally not over four feet above the ground.The usual number of eggs set is three in the South and four in the North.Possibly the Cardinal raises an extra brood down in the South to make up the difference,or possibly the population is more easily maintained here by the more moderate(适度的)winters compared to the colder North.

The Cardinal is by nature a seed eater,but he does not dislike small fruits and insects.

State Flower州花


The peony(Paeonia)was adopted as the state flower by the 1957General Assembly.

Poets linked Indiana with the blossom of the tulip(郁金香,郁金香花),tree,or yellow poplar(白杨,白杨木),as early as 1870.But the carnation was adopted as Indiana’s state flower on March 15,1913.From 1931to 1957the zinnia(百日草属植物,鱼尾菊)was the state flower.In 1957,a bill to adopt the blossom of the tulip tree was submitted.But the Senate substitute the dogwood(山茱萸)blossom!Interestingly enough,the Representative who proposed the Peony as state flower was a commercial peony grower in his full time employment.On March 13,1957,the peony became Indiana’s fourth state flower!The peony blooms the last of May and early June in various shades of red and pink and also in white;it occurs in single and double forms.No particular variety or color was designated by the General Assembly.It is cultivated widely throughout the state and is extremely popular for decorating gravesites for Memorial Day.It blooms from late May until early June.It grows in various shades of red,pink,and white.


Most peonies available in garden centers or nurseries are hybrids(杂种,混合物)of two major classes-herbaceous(草本的,似绿叶的)peonies or tree peonies.Just what are their primary differences?

They are mostly natives to Asia Minor and Europe.Almost all herbaceous peonies are descendants of a Chinese species known as P.lactiflora.These hybrids reach 2to 3feet in height,having dark green divided leaves that are shiny and very showy.Peony foliage(树叶,植物)is bold and striking,even in the fall when it usually embraces the reddish colors of autumn.

Herbaceous peonies typically bloom in late spring,boasting exotic 3to 6inch heavily scented(有香味的,有气味的)blossoms.The blossoms are ordinarily very fragrant and may be single,double or anemone([植]银莲花,[动]海葵)form(with broad,outer petals and a pincushion(针垫)-like mound of central petals or flowers -modified stamens).Herbaceous peonies thrive in USDA Zones 3to 8,and bloom profusely(丰富地)after a period of cold winter chill.

Tree Peony(P.suffruticosa)

These are cultivars(栽培变种,培育植物)of P.suffruticosa and are natives to Japan and China.and descendants of P.suffruticosa,a Chinese shrub.This variety is an open,somewhat woody deciduous(每年落叶的,非永久性的)shrub that can reach 6feet in height.As with herbaceous peonies,tree peonies are long-lived and resent being transplanted,so you should choose their locations with care.Tree peonies are also more hardy to cold than their herbaceous relatives.The blossoms of tree peonies vary both in size and color,depending on their individual variety.P.suffruticosa is the main Tree Peony.It bears large,single or double white flowers blotched with crimson(深红色)in May and June.

State Flag州旗


The blue and gold state banner was adopted by the 1917General Assembly as part of the commemoration(纪念,纪念会)of the state’s 1916Centennial celebration,after a competition sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution.The winning design was by Paul Hadley of Mooresville,Indiana.The name was changed to flag by the 1955General Assembly.The dimensions were changed to standard usage.

The torch(火把,启发之物)stands for liberty and enlightenment;the rays represent their far-reaching influence.The thirteen stars in a circle represent the original thirteen states;the five stars in the circle represent the next five states;the large star is Indiana,the nineteenth state.

The state flag is always displayed on the observer’s right of the American flag.