
第13章 亚利桑那州(1)





亚利那州,名称来自印第安语:“小泉的地方”Little spring place。

1580年开始殖民。1912年2月14日成为美国第48州。以仙人掌Giant Cactusor Saguaro为州花。本州别名叫做“大峡谷之州”Grand Canyon State。本州箴言:“上帝使本州富”God Enriches。


本州特征有三:第一,这是美国境内最干燥的一州,同时也是灌溉最盛的州区之一。第二,科罗拉多河谷中景色最雄壮的大峡谷Grand Canyon,位于本州北部。第三,它是美国最好的避寒胜地。




The land that is presentday Arizona is one of the oldest inhabited areas in the United States.Although statehood was achieved as recently as 1912,Arizonas history began more than 12,000years ago.

Little is known of the early people in Arizona as they left no written word.Historians assume the first inhabitants came from Asia across a long land bridge in the Bering Strait(白令海峡(西伯利亚和阿拉斯加间的海峡))created by receding polar ice.

The Cochise people lived in this region from about 5,000years ago to the early part of the first century.They were hunters,gatherers,and farmers who grew an early form of maize(玉米)(corn)along with beans and squash(南瓜).

The Anasazi inhabited the high plateau region(平坦区)of northwestern Arizona.Their name was Navajo(纳瓦霍人(美国最大的印第安部落))for “those who lived before”.The tribe is the first known to abandon a nomadic(游牧的)lifestyle to build multiroom houses into caves.They also built circular buildings,or kiva(大地穴(美国西部和墨西哥等地印第安人用作会堂的一种建筑)),for ceremonial purposes.Canyon de Chelly is the home of the Anasazi White House ruins.The Sinagua (without water)people descended from the main Anasazi tribe.

The people of the mount ains in eastern Arizona were named Mogollon after an early Spanish colonial Governor of New Mexico,Juan Ignacia Mogollon.The Mogollon were likely descendants of the Cochise,although their culture was more complex than the Cochise.

The Hohokam,a name derived from the Pima language meaning “ancient ones”,were farmers.They constructed an elaborate(精细的)irrigation canal system as early as 500A.D.The Casa Grande ruins are monuments(纪念碑)to the Hohokam way of life.

The Anasazi and the Hohokam(霍霍坎文化的)tribes reached the height of their civilization between 1100and 1300A.D.but by 1400A.D.,the Mogollon,Anasazi,and Hohokamno longer existed.The disappearance of these people remains a mystery,but speculation of a prolonged drought may have reduced food supplies and dried farmland.

When the Spanish arrived in the 16th century they found the distribution of native peoples largely as it is today.The tribes native to Arizona are divided into three groups:the UtoAztecan,the Athapascan,and the Yuman(尤马人).Many other tribes can be found here,but they moved to Arizona from other locations.These include the Paiute from Utah and the Yaqui from Mexico.Among the UtoAztecan tribes are the Hopi(霍皮人(美国亚利桑那州东南部印第安村庄居民),霍皮人使用的语言),the Pima(比马人(北美印第安人的一个部族)),and the Papago[巴巴哥人(主要居住在亚利桑那州塔克森南部的北美印第安人)].

The Hopi are a peaceloving people who have kept their culture intact(完整无缺的)due in large part to living in an isolated area.The Pima and Papago are believed to be descendants(子孙,后代)of Hohokam farmers.The name Papago means “bean people”;however,in 1986,the Papago changed their name to Tohono Oodham,meaning “people of the desert”.

The Athapascans include the Apache and Navajo.The Apache tribes include the Chiricahua(奇里卡华人(居住在美国亚利桑那州及新墨西哥州等地的阿帕切印第安人)),the Mescalero(梅斯卡勒罗人(美国得克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的阿帕切)),the San Carlos,the Cibecue,and the White Mountain Apache.Among their membership were famous chiefs such as Cochise,Victorio,Nana,and Geronimo.

The Navajo live in northeastern Arizona.The entire Navajo reservation is located in parts of four states.Their tribal headquarters are located in Window Rock,Arizona.

Many early Spanish explorers asked the native people what they called themselves.In one case,the native thought the Spanish were asking the name of the chiefs son and so answered “Yuma”.Thus the Yumans were misnamed,but the name carried forward.Among the Yumans are the Mohave(莫哈维族(北美印第安人一分支)),the Quechan,the Cocopah,the Maricopa,the Yavapai,the Hualapai,and the Havasupai.

Arizona is a large state in the western United States.It is best known for its desert landscape,which includes cacti([植]仙人掌).Arizona is also known for its exceptionally hot summers and mild winters.Less well known is the pinecovered high country in the northcentral portion of the state,which contrasts with the lower deserts of the state.

Arizona is one of the Four Corners states,situated south and east of the Colorado River.It borders New Mexico,Utah,Nevada,California,touches Colorado,and has a 389mile (626.04km)international border with Mexico.Arizona is the sixth largest state in area,after New Mexico and before Nevada.Aside from the Grand Canyon,a number of other National Forests,Parks,Monuments,and Indian reservations are located in the state.Arizona was the 48th state admitted into the U.S.(1912),and the last of the contiguous states admitted.


Janet Napolitano州长把亚利桑那州孩子的教育和保护作为她管理的动力。她是一位有魄力和精干的州长。她致力于推动亚利桑那州的发展和提高家庭生活水平。Napolitano州长2003年1月就职时,本州面临10亿美元的财政赤字。在她任期的第一年,没有通过提高关税或对公立学校免除贷款或其他必需的服务手段,她就消除了财政赤字。她的领导能力也可见一斑。

Governor Janet Napolitano has made the education and protection of Arizonas children the driving force of her administration.She is a powerful and effective chief executive who has focused on moving Arizona forward and preparing our states families for the new economy and the New Arizona.

When Governor Napolitano took office in January 2003,the state faced a billion dollar deficit.In that first year in office,she erased(抹去,擦掉)that deficit without raising taxes or cutting funding for public schools or other vital services.