
第6章 阿拉斯加州(1)





辽阔的阿拉斯加州,它的名称,来自阿留申语(或爱斯基摩语),其意义是“大地方”Great Land。1728年,丹麦人维他斯·白令VitusBering为俄国人探险,先发现白令海峡。1741年发现阿留申群岛与阿拉斯加,成为俄国领土。1867年俄国把阿拉斯加卖给美国。

1801年开始殖民。1959年1月3日成为美国第49州。以“勿忘我”Forgetmenot为州花。本州别名叫做“大地”The Great Land,或“半夜出太阳的地方”Land of the Mi dnight Sun。本州箴言:“向北发展”North To The Future。





Vitus Bering,a Dane working for the Russians,and Alexei Chirikov discovered the Alaskan mainland and the Aleutian Islands(阿留申群岛(环布于阿拉斯加半岛尖端的弧形岛屿))in 1741.Bering died from scurvy ([医]坏血病)later that winter on an island named after him,Bering Island.

Around this time the British,Spanish,and French were exploring the coast of Alaska.The unregulated exploitation of the fur resources by rival companies led to a depletion(损耗)of accessible(可到达的)fur areas and the killing and enslavement (奴役,强制)of the peaceful Aleut natives.Consequently,this led to the chartering of the Russian American Company in 1799.Under its first manager,Alexander Baranov,which was a period of about 20years,there was an order and systematic exploitation of the fur resources.

In 1804,the settlement of Sitka was attacked and held by the Tlingit Indians.The Russians use a combined navalmilitary operation to force the natives out.Later,in 1805,the Tlingit Indians killed all of the Russian residents that were living at present day Yakutat.The cost of administering the Alaska territory put a significant drain on the Russian homeland.This cost and the disappearance(不见,消失)of the sea otter(水獭)and fur trade brought about the Russians trying to interest the United States in purchasing Alaska in 1859.

The tremendous land mass of Alaska equal to onefifth of the continental U.S.was still unexplored in 1867.And with the Civil War,the purchase was not completed until March 30,1867,when the Treaty of Purchase was signed in Washington DC ,affirmed by the Senate senate(参议院)on April 9th,and signed by President Andrew Johnson on May 28th.The formal transfer of the Territory was made at Sitka on October 18,1867.The purchase price was 7,200,000.00.Shortly afterwards,despite a price of about two cents an acre,the purchase was widely ridiculed(嘲笑,奚落)as Rewards Folly.The first official census (1880)reported a total of 33,426Alaskans,all but 430being of aboriginal stock.

From 1867to 1898the US neglected the administration of the Territory.In 1896the discovery of gold in the Yukon Territory of Canada fired the imagination of the world.The Gold Rush of 1898resulted in a mass influx(流入)of more than 30,000people.This brought thousands of gold seekers through Alaska on their way to the gold fields.Another strike was found in Nome,several in the Interior of Alaska along the Yukon(育空)River.The last major discovery brought Fairbanks into being in 1902.With the vast influx of people into Alaska,Congress had to apply Civil Codes and establish laws in the Territory.In 1902the Alexander Archipelago Forest Reserve was created which became the Tongass National Forest in 1907.Since then,Alaska has contributed billions of dollarsworth of products to the US economy.

Alaska gained Territorial status with the United States Congress on August 24,1912.This gave Alaska a say in the laws that were being passed to administer the Territory.Expectations were not live up to with Territorial status as there was a period of economic and population decline.The Alaska Railroad was build between Seward and Fairbanks(费尔班克斯)between 1914and 1923.Copper was shipped from the Kennecott Copper Mine to Cordova between 1911and 1938.In 1935Federal subsidies were provided to farmers from the Midwest and Dust Bowl to settle the Matanuska(马塔努损卡河)ValleyColony.

World War II brought a short lived influx of military personnel (人员)and a boom in building within the State.With the end of the war there was a decline in military personnel (人员,职员)resulting in a short lived recession.The Cold War of the late 1940s brought about tremendous population and economic growth due to defense spending by the U.S.Government.

The most important result of all this activity was the movement for statehood.In 1949the Alaska Statehood Committee launched a campaign which brought about the Alaska Statehood Act which was signed by President Eisenhower on July 7,1958.On January 3,1959,Alaska was officially proclaimed the fortyninth state of the Union.From 1959to present,Alaska has had economic booms(繁荣)with timber (木材,木料),oil,sea foods,and the tourism industries.


Murkowski 州长在2002年11月5日被选举为阿拉斯加州长,12月2日正式当选为阿拉斯加第十任州长。为了履行他对年轻阿拉斯加的承诺,Murkowski州长致力于建设本州经济以便农村和城市的年轻的阿拉斯加人能找到好的工作。并且他还致力于开发阿拉斯加资源、石油、天然气、煤矿、木材和发展鱼业和旅游业,这些在太平洋市场都享有优先权。另外,他还减少州开支,采取几项有效措施来确保服务水平和环境保护。

Frank H.Murkowski was elected Governor on November 5and was sworn into office on December 2,2002,as Alaskas tenth governor.

Acting on his commitment to the youths of Alaska,Governor Murkowski has concentrated on building the economy of the state so that young Alaskans can find good job opportunities in both rural and urban Alaska.Concentrating on expanding Alaskas resources,oil,gas,minerals,fish,timber,and tourism in the markets of the Pacific Rim have been his priorities.Governor Murkowski has reduced state spending and initiated(开始,发动)several efficiencies in permitting and procedures without compromising service levels or environmental oversight(管理,监督).