
第15章 新墨西哥州(4)

11.Grants was at one time known as the“Carrot capital of the country”until the process of cellophane(玻璃纸)wrapping began and California took over title.More recently Grants has been known as the“Uranium(铀)capital of the world”and produced the bulk of the nation’s uranium supply during the postWorld War II and Cold War era.

12.New Mexico is one of the four corner states.Bordering at the same point with Colorado,Utah and Arizona.

13.The Palace of Governors in Santa Fe,built in 1610,is one of the oldest public buildings in America.

14.More than 25,000Anasazi sites have been identified in New Mexico by archeologists(考古学家).The Anasazi,an amazing civilization who were the ancestors(祖先,祖宗)of the Pueblo,where around for 1300years.Their great classical period lasted from 1100-1300AD.

15.The state of New Mexico shares an international border with the country of Mexico.

16.The leaves of the Yucca,New Mexico’s state flower,can be used to make rope,baskets and sandals.

17.1/4of New Mexico is forested,and the state has 7National Forests including the Nation’s largest,the 3.3million acre Gila National Forest which includes the Gila[(=Gila monster)[动](美国西南部产的)大毒蜥]Wilderness.

18.The largest fire in the state’s history was ignited on May 4,2000in the National Park Service’s Bandelier National Monument,when a controlled burn meant to clear away dry brush and prevent future wild fires leaped out of control due to high winds.25,000people,including all the residents of Los Alamos,were forced to evacuate(疏散,撤出)their homes.

19.In 1950the little cub(幼兽,不懂规矩的年轻人)that was to become the National Fire Safety symbol Smokey the Bear was found trapped in a tree when his home in Lincoln National Forest was destroyed by fire.In 1963,in Smokey’s honor,the New Mexican legislature chose the black bear to be the official state animal.

20.The word“Pueblo”is used to describe a group of people,a town,or an architectural style.There are 19Pueblo groups that speak 4distinct languages.The Pueblo(普韦布洛(美国科罗拉多州中部一城市))people of the southwest have lived in the same location longer than any other culture in the Nation.

21.The Navajo,the Nation’s largest Native American Group,have a reservation that covers 14million Acres.

22.To a certain degree New Mexico’s Indian Reservations function as states within a state where tribal law may supersede(代替,取代)state law.

23.New Mexico’s State Constitution officially states that New Mexico is a bilingual State,and 1out of 3families in New Mexico speak Spanish at home.

24.In some isolated villages,such as Truchas,Chimayo’,and Coyote in northcentral New Mexico,some descendants of Spanish conquistadors(西班牙征服者,征服者)still speak a form of 16th century Spanish used no where else in the world today.

25.The Palace of Governors in Santa Fe is the oldest Government Building in the United States.

26.At Lake Valley,miners discovered silver in veins so pure that the metal could be sawn off in blocks,instead of having to be dug out by traditional methods.

27.The father of modern rocketry(火箭学,火箭技术)Massachusetts scientist Robert Goddard whom some called a crackpot(疯子,怪人),came to New Mexico in 1930to test rocketship models.From those humble beginnings the aerospace industry(航空和航天工业)became one of New Mexico’s leading industries.

28.To test the latest rockets White Sands Missile Range was created on the same land where the first atom bomb had been exploded.