
第4章 新罕布什尔州(4)

The purple lilac,Syringa vulgaris,is the state flower of New Hampshire.

New Hampshire historian Leon Anderson writes in To This Day that the purple lilac was first imported from England and planted at the Portsmouth home of Governor Benning Wentworth in 1750.It was adopted as our state’s flower in 1919.That year bills and amendments(修正案)were introduced promoting the apple blossom,purple aster([植]紫苑),wood lily,Mayflower,goldenrod,wild pasture rose,evening primrose and buttercup([植]毛茛科)as the state flower.A long and lively debate followed regarding the relative merits(优点,价值)of each flower.The purple lilac was ultimately chosen,according to Anderson in New Hampshire’s FlowerTreeBird because it“is symbolic of that hardy character of the men and women of the Granite State”.

Lilac is a common flowering shrub that grows best in a sunny location.The plant grows in shade,but flowering is poor and powdery mildew(白粉病)is likely to be severe.Common lilac grows 20feet tall and spreads 15feet.The growth rate is rapid and the plant produces many suckers(吸枝).The flowers are in shades of purple,white or pink.Some colors listed in catalogs(目录)refer to the unopened flower buds.Flower bud color may be different from the flower color.There are few actual color variations(变异).

Leaf:Opposite,simple,broadly ovate(卵形的),2to 4inches long,11/2to 3inches,heart shaped,entire,dark green to bluishgreen above,lighter below.

Flower:Light purple,pink or even white(cultivar(栽培变种,培育植物)dependent),fragrant(芬芳的,香的),flowers in terminal clusters(串,丛),4to 7inches long,appearing in May.

Fruit:Dry,brown,capsules((植物)蒴果),1/2inch long.

Twig:Stout,angled(almost 4sided)or ridged,lustrous(有光泽的,光辉的)brown,glabrous,numerous raised lenticels([植]皮孔),leaf scars raised,crescentshaped,buds large,green but turning purple in the winter.

Bark:Gray to graybrown,smooth but becoming finely shreddy when large.

Form:A multistemmed,suckering,tall shrub reaching up to 15feet in height.

State Flag州旗


The state flag shall be of the following color and design:The body or field shall be blue and shall bear upon its center in suitable proportion and colors a representation of the state seal.The seal shall be surrounded by a wreath(花冠,圈状物)of laurel([植]月桂树)leaves with nine stars interspersed(散布,点缀).When used for military purposes the flag shall conform to(符合,遵照)the regulations of the United States.

New Hampshire did not officially adopt a state flag until 1909.Prior to that,New Hampshire had numerous regimental flags to represent the state.The flag has only been changed once,in 1931when the state’s seal was modified.

The body of the flag is blue.The center of the flag has the state’s seal with the frigate(护卫舰)Raleigh—all surrounded by laurel leaves and nine stars.

Song of the State州歌

Old New Hampshire

With a skill that knows no measure,

From the golden store of Fate

God,in His great love and wisdom,

Made the rugged Granite State

([美]新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)的别名);

Made the lakes,the fields,the forests;

Made the Rivers and the rills;

Made the bubbling(泡沫),crystal fountains

Of New Hampshire’s Granite Hills.

Old New Hampshire,Old New Hampshire

Old New Hampshire Grand and Great

We will sing of Old New Hampshire,

Of the dear old Granite State

Builded He New Hampshire glorious

From the borders to the sea;

And with matchless charm and splendor

Blessed her for eternity(永远,不朽,来生).

Here,the majesty(最高权威,王权)of mountain;

Here,the grandeur(庄严,伟大)of the lake;

Here,the truth as from the hillside

Whence her crystal waters break.

Old New Hampshire,Old New Hampshire

Old New Hampshire Grand and Great

We will sing of Old New Hampshire,

Of the dear old Granite State

Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Of the thirteen original colonies,New Hampshire was the first to declare its independence from Mother England—a full six months before the Declaration of Independence was signed.

2.The highest wind speed recorded at ground level is at Mt.Washington,on April 12,1934.The winds were three times as fast as those in most hurricanes.

3.New Hampshire is the only state that ever played host at the formal conclusion of a foreign war.In 1905,Portsmouth was the scene of the treaty ending the RussoJapanese War.

4.The first potato planted in the United States was at Londonderry Common Field in 1719.

5.Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr.,the first American to travel in space is from East Derry,New Hampshire.

6.In 1833the first free public library in the United States was established in Peterborough.

7.In the town of Warner the last passenger train stopped on November 4,1955,and the last freight in 1961.Since then the tracks through town were torn up and sold as scrap iron.

8.New Hampshire adopted the first legal lottery in the twentieth century United States in 1963.

9.Cornish Hill Pottery Company handcrafts(手工,手艺)functional stoneware(瓷器)decorated in the traditions of Early American and European potters with a method known as“slip trailing”.The slip is a creamy mixture of clay and water and is applied to moist,almost hardened pots by hand.The slip contains various colorants(着色剂),including natural clay(粘土,泥土)colors and metals.

10.New Hampshire’s present constitution was adopted in 1784;it is the second oldest in the country.

11.On December 30,1828,about 400mill girls walked out of the Dover Cotton Factory enacting the first women’s strike in the United States.The Dover mill girls were forced to give in when the mill owners immediately began advertising for replacement workers.

12.Levi Hutchins of Concord invented the first alarm clock in 1787.

13.The Irishborn American sculptor(雕刻家)Augustus SaintGaudens lived and worked in Cornish from 1885until his death at age 59in 1907.

14.The Mount Washington auto road at Great Glen is New Hampshire’s oldest manmade tourist attraction.

15.In the fall of 1999,the Town of Newbury officially opened a B&M caboose(〈美〉(载货火车最后一节的)守车,〈英〉轮船上的厨房)as a visitor center at Bell Cove,Newbury Harbor.