
第1章 发展篇(1)

A Brief History of Internet因特网简史

ARPANET started by the US Dept.of Defense for research is the original basis for what now forms the Internet.It was opened to non-military users later in the 1970s.


The first international connections to ARPANET are established.


The TCP/IP Protocol established,and the “Internet”is formed as a connected set of networks using TCP/IP.


DNS (Domain Name Server)introduced to the Internet,with then consisted of about 1000hosts.


World Wide Web,invented by Tim Berners-Lee who saw the need for a global information exchange that would allow physicists to collaborate on research.The Web started as a text-only interface,but NCSA Mosaic later presented a graphical interface for it.

提姆·伯纳斯-李觉得有必要让世界上的物理家相互交换资料,进行科研合作,他发明了国际互联网。当时的国际互联网中有的只是文字,但后来,NCSA Mosaic 推出了适合国际互联网使用的图形界面。

Web traffic over the Internet increased by 300,000%.


Netscape 1.0was written as an alternative browser to NCSA Mosaic.

继浏览器NCSA Mosaic后,网景1.0推出。

December Java Script development announced by Netscape.


Now Internet is still developing faster and faster...

Internet 现在仍以越来越快的速度高速发展着……

Business in Information Times信息时代的商业活动

A business does its work on two legs.One leg is built of information such as sales leads,orders,production planning,procurement orders,work schedules,cash receiving,and accounting review and feedback.The other leg is built of the bricks and mortar every product-oriented business needs to have in place—whether it owns it or outsource it—to build and deliver the goods according to the requirements provided in the information process.The critical issue facing manufacturers is the ability to synchronize the two legs so that they work together.


Regardless of what you call it—dot com,e-commerce,e-business,B2B—it’s all about moving and translating information faster,cheaper,and better with 100percent accuracy through communication channels and networks with incredible accessibility for everyone,including all employees,suppliers,and customers.This has done much to change the landscape for information management and control,giving rise to the “virtual”company.

不管你怎样称呼它——.com、e-商务、e-交易或者B2B——它所有能包含的只是移动和传送信息,只不过要求更快、更便宜、通过通讯渠道和网络时的百分之百准确的更佳性能和不可思议的被包括雇员、供应商和客户访问的更广泛性。这些要求具有超越般的影响,能大大改变信息处理和控制领域,也给予了这些“虚拟”公司崭露头角的机会。However,if this faster and better information is not translated into better customer service and response,its value will be diminished.Our objective is not better and faster information but rather better,faster,higher-value products and services to customers.然而,如果这些更快更好的信息的结果不是更好的客户服务和回复,它的价值会有所贬低。我们的目的不是更好更快的信息,而是客户认可的更好更快更高价值的产品和服务。

Fix this problem,and the e-commerce solution provides the promised payback.Adjust your business and manufacturing planning processes to work with better and faster information through a business process improvement project that works in concert with the new economy.


“Virtual”is only relevant to the location of the people using the information.The job of translating,combining,sorting,and using information still takes place in a manufacturing plant where real people are still making the tangible,real products that customers want.What happens when the manufacturing plant cannot process the ordering information,for instance,at the speed of the communication network?


Everything slows down to the throughput capacity of the constraint—in this case the manufacturing plant—resulting in under-utilization of expensive information gathering capability,dissatisfied managers,stressed employees,and,most importantly,unhappy customers who have not had their expectation met.生产能力的约束要降低各个方面的速度——处于此种情况下的加工厂——将导致不能充分利用昂贵的信息收集能力,管理者不满意,雇员有压力,且最重要的是,客户不能达到自己的预期而不高兴。There is no value or promise of great improvements from e-commerce or B2B processes if the systems’constraint,more efficient manufacturing,related business processes,and distribution are not part of the solutions equation.


Computer Development Prediction in Future未来计算机发展预测

With the development of computer technology ,PC will become our tool at work,the control centre in life,which is the inevitable thing.Future of the computer is full of parameters now.The improving by a large margin of performance can’t be doubted,but realize that there are multiple ways to the leap of performance.Just the CPU technology can improve through “quantum computer”,“DNA computer”,“photon computer ”,etc.But it is not the only route of development of computer that performance is promoted by a wide margin.




Why PCs have such a big popularization today?It in common use of modularization designed blows the decisive impetus.In the future,PCs will not die the merit in this respect,but also even develop it.Not only achieve the modularization in the inner boards and cards,can even offer a lot of to the insert cards,which is used for people to put new module into it to increases performance or function,just like the PCMICAs of note-book.
