
第30章 长颈鹿






Imagine being tall enough to see over rooftops.Giraffes are that tall.They are the tallest animals in the world.What makes a giraffe so tall is its long neck.A big male giraffe stands almost 20feet (6meters)high.That is about as tall as a two story building.

Giraffes live in Africa,on plains called savannas.They live in places where there are trees with leaves that they can eat.

Giraffes are the tallest land animals,with some growing as tall as 20feet,or 6meters.Most four legged animals walk by moving their forward legs first and then their back legs.But giraffes walk by moving both legs on one side before moving the other two forward.This creates a sideways rocking motion that is balanced out by the giraffe’s long neck.

Young giraffes are called calves.Here,a mother giraffe nurses her calf.

To drink from a watering hole,a giraffe must spread its front legs into an awkward position

Because a female giraffe gives birth standing up,the baby giraffe drops to the ground.But it is often on its feet within 20minutes

What Do Giraffes Look Like?