
第59章 鸟有多少种类?

There are about 10,000kinds of birds.Scientists have different ways of grouping birds.One way to group them is by how and where they live.

Some birds live in water or get most of their food from water.The albatross and shearwater are birds that live over the ocean far away from land.They can even drink salt water.Loons,ducks,geese,gulls,pelicans,puffins,and penguins are also birds that live on or near water.

Some birds live on beaches or shores.They are called wading birds because they have long legs for wading into water to catch fish or other animals.Herons,storks,ibises,spoonbills,and flamingos are large wading birds.

Hawks,eagles,and falcons swoop down and grab other animals with their claws.They are called birds of prey.Owls are birds of prey that hunt at night.

Running birds run on the ground instead of flying.Ostriches,rheas,emus,cassowaries,and kiwis are running birds that cannot fly.

Most birds are perching birds.Perching birds are small birds with special toes that let them hang on to small twigs.Most perching birds are songbirds.Sparrows,robins,finches,warblers,and blackbirds are songbirds.

Other kinds of birds include parrots,doves and pigeons,cuckoos,hummingbirds,and woodpeckers.

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