
第65章 鹰




A huge bird with a white head and long,yellow claws swoops down on a river and snatches a fish right out of the water.It’s an impressive sight.So impressive that the citizens of the newly created United States of America decided to adopt the bird,the bald eagle,as their national symbol in 1782.It’s still used as a symbol images of the eagle appear on every U.S.one dollar bill and many quarter dollar coins.

Since ancient times,people have thought of the eagle as a symbol of courage and power.Roman army divisions used the eagle as their symbol.The golden eagle was the symbol of the Russian and Austro Hungarian empires and other governments in Europe.

There are almost 60species (kinds)of eagles.These magnificent birds live all over the world.

Bald eagles are majestic birds that can soar high in the air.The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States.

The golden eagle lives in northern North America,Europe,Asia,and North Africa.This bird takes its name from the gold color found on the back of its head and neck.

The powerful harpy eagle lives in the rain forests of Central and South America.

Most eagles build nests in high places,such as treetops and ledges on cliffs.They build their nests out of sticks and twigs.Most eagles use the same nest year after year.

American Bald Eagles