
第83章 恐龙




Imagine walking through a prehistoric forest and coming face to face with a terrifying dinosaur.This could never have happened,of course.People and dinosaurs did not live on Earth at the same time.Dinosaurs died out long before people appeared.Dinosaurs lived from about 230million years ago to about 65million years ago.

Scientists use fossils to learn about dinosaurs.Fossils can be bones or impressions in rock.These footprints were made by a dinosaur that walked through the mud millions of years ago.The mud hardened and eventually turned into rock.

Dinosaurs varied greatly in size and shape.The giant Apatosaurus grew to lengths of 80feet (24meters).The Compsognathus was a small predator about 2feet (60centimeters)tall about the size of a modern day goose.

These skulls show how the jaws and teeth of dinosaurs differed depending on what they ate.The knifelike teeth of the meat eating Allosaurus,left,helped the animal rip the flesh of other animals.The flat front teeth of the plant eating Diplodocus,center,helped it remove leaves from plants,which it swallowed whole.The small,broad teeth of Massospondylus,right,enabled the animal to chew plants before swallowing.

How Do We Know About Dinosaurs?