
第86章 鱼






What kind of animal can live in hot desert spring water or in the freezing water of the Antarctic?What animal can live in a shallow mud pond or the deepest part of the sea?Fish can.Antarctic icefish can live in water below 32°Fahrenheit (0°Celsius).Desert pupfish can live in water that is hotter than 100°Fahrenheit (40°Celsius).

Fish are animals that live and breathe in water.Some fish live in the fresh water of lakes and streams.Some fish live in the salt water of oceans.A few fish can live in both kinds of water.

All fishes are vertebrates (animals with backbones).Most fish have a covering of scales to protect their bodies.

A fish is an animal that lives in the water.Most fish swim by moving their tail fin left and right.A fish uses a special sense organ called the lateral line to feel nearby objects before it can see them

The walking catfish lives in shallow ponds in eastern India and Southeast Asia.When these ponds dry up,the catfish travels across land to deeper ponds.

In order to breathe underwater,most fish use gills.The gills remove oxygen from the water as the water passes over them.

Many fish swim together in groups,known as schools.

Most fish eat other fish or smaller animals.Some fish eat plants.Here,a blue cod eats a smaller fish called a scarlet wrasse.

Commercial fishers earn money by catching and selling large numbers of fish.Here,Japanese fishers haul in salmon.

Kinds of Fish