
第94章 昆虫



We live in an age of insects.About half of all known animals are insects.Scientists have found about 1million species (kinds)of insects so far.There are more species of insects than of any other animal in the world.Bees,flies,ants,grasshoppers,beetles,and butterflies are some of the insects that might live near you.

Insects buzz in the air.They crawl over stones.They hop through grass.They dig tunnels underground.

Some insects are helpful.They do important jobs to help plants grow.They help get rid of wastes and dead plants and animals.Some insects are harmful.They bite or sting.They carry diseases or destroy crops.

Morphology of a flying insect:vertebrate animal with segmented bodies,usually winged,that undergo metamorphosis.

Compound eye:one of two complex organs of sight of an insect.

Antenna:one of two organs of touch of an insect.

Head:foremost part of an insect.

Fore leg:one of two front limbs of an insect.

Thorax:central part of an insect.

Middle leg:one of two middle limbs of an insect.

Hind leg:one of two rear limbs of an insect.

Abdomen:rear part of an insect.

Hind wing:one of two rear appendages used for flying.

Fore wing:one of two front appendages used for flying.

The praying mantis is an insect that helps farmers and gardeners by eating other insects.The praying mantis got its name because when it puts its legs together,it looks like it’s praying.But it’s actually waiting to catch its dinner!

Water striders can do a neat trick they can walk on water!Waterproof hairs at the tips of their legs help these insects stay afloat.

As its name suggests,the caterpillar hunter beetle likes to eat caterpillars.This beetle is about to have a meal.

Most insects undergo a change of shape as they grow.This damselfly sheds its old body for a new one,a process called incomplete metamorphosis.

What Makes an Insect ?