
第8章 其他篇(1)

When Greek Meets Greek

It is said among business men that it requires twelve Jews to cheat a Genoese;but twelve Genoese are not enough to cheat a Greek…Only one person,that I ever heard of,enjoys the not very enviable distinction of having cheated not merely one Greek,but two.He was a Bari man.

He was returning to Italy,but had no boots or rather,the things he had were no longer boots.He carefully counted up his money,found that he had not enough to buy a new pair,and so quieted his conscience.Then he went to a shoemaker’s in the Street of Hermes.

“I want a pair of shoes by Monday morning,to fit me exactly,with round toes.”etc.;in short,he gave the fullest directions.“Certainly,sir.You shall have them without fail.They shall be sent to your house at ten on Monday morning.”

The Bari man left his address and departed.In the Street of Eolus he entered another shoemaker’s shop and ordered a precisely similar pair of shoes in the same terms.“Have I made myself understood?”

“Perfectly.Let me have the address,and on Monday at ten—”

“I shall not be in at ten.Don’t send them before eleven.”

“At eleven you may count on having them,without fail.”

On Monday at ten the first victim appeared.The gentleman tried on the shoes;the right was a perfect fit,the left was fearfully tight over the instep;it wanted stretching a little.“All right.”said the obliging tradesman.“I will take it away,and bring it back to you tomorrow.”

“Very well,and I will settle your account then.”

The shoemaker bowed himself out with the left shoe.At eleven,punctual punctual as a creditor,arrived the second predestinedpredestine victim.The same scene was repeated;but this time it was the right shoe that did not fit.“You will have to put it over the last again,my friend.”“We’ll soon set that right,sir.”And this shoemaker,more knowing than the other,was about to take both shoes away with him.“Leave the other.”said the Bari man.“It’s a fancy of mine…if you take them both,someone may come in and find that they fit him,and you will sell them to him,and I shall have to wait another week.”

“But I assure you,sir—”

“No,no,my friend;I know how things go.I want this pair of shoes and no other,and I insist on keeping the one.”

The shoemaker bowed his head with a sigh,and went away to stretch the right shoe.An hour later the Bari man and his shoes were already onboard the Pireus steamer;and on the following day the two victims met on his doorstep,each with a shoe in his hand,and looked into each other’s rapidly lengthening faces.


























Salesman:“Yes,sir,of all our cars,this is the one we feel confident and justifiedjustify in pushing.”

Prospectiveprospective customer:“That’s no good to me.I want one to ride in.”




Drive On

Seth Smith was reckoned the laziest man in town.So tired had the authorities authority become of contributing to his support that they decided to consign him to a living tomb.Accordingly he was prepared for burialburial.The hearse was an old ramshackleramshackle country wagon.As the strange cortegecortege moved along some old resident asked,“Who is it?”

“Well,Seth Smith,who is too lazy to get anything to live on,so we are going to bury him alive.”

“I’ll give him a bushelbushel of corn.”said one.“And I will.”said another.Slowly raising his head,Seth asked:“Is the corn shelled,neighbor?”

“No,you must do that yourself.”

Gently replacing his head,he said:“Drive on,boys,drive on.”









Promise or Threat

“My friend,I say I had some trouble.”A man said to his friend,“YesterdayI had words with my wife.After that she punched the door and rushed outangrily with the word that she would live with her mother.Please help me.

Is this a promise or a threat?”

“Do you think there are differences between the two?”his friend asked.

“Yes,quite a lot.If it is a promise that means that my wife is sure to bewith her mother,and if a threat,that my motherinlaw will move and livewith us.”






The Mad Gardener’s Song

Lewis Carroll

He thought he saw an Elephant,That practised on a fifefife:

He looked again,and found it was a letter from his wife.“At length I realize,”he said,“the bitterness of Life!”

He thought he saw a buffalo upon the chimney piece:

He looked again,and found it was his sister’s husband’s niece.“Unless you leave this house,”he said,“I’ll send for the Police!”

He thought he saw a rattle snake that questioned him in Greek:

He looked again,and found it was the Wednesday of next week.“The one thing I regret,”he said,“is that it cannot speak!”

He thought he saw a banker’s clerk descending from the bus.

He looked again,and found it was a hippopotamus:

“If this should stay to dine,”he said,“there won’t be much for us!”

He thought he saw a coach that stood beside his bed:

He looked again,and found it was a bear without a head.“Poor thing,”he said,“poor silly thing!It’s waiting to be fed!”

He thought he saw an albatross that fluttered round the lamp: