
第15章 体坛名将(3)

“My first interest in snooker occurred when I was seven years old.My dad was watching a snooker competition on the television,and I liked what I saw so much that I asked for a table.Being the youngest and spoilt,my wish was granted.I became the proud owner of the smallest competitive table on earth:1.5long.I graduated to a 6′×3′table when I was eleven years old,and challenged everyone who entered our house.Whether they liked it or not!When I was twelve years old,I went to the Peacehaven Central Club with my parents where,for the first time I saw a full size snooker table(12′×6′).I had a burning desire to play on it.I went home that night and I was crying in bed.My mum came in and asked me what was wrong.‘I want to play on the big table.’I replied.So she asked my dad to ask the owner,John Copper,if I could play on it.And he made my dreams come true.”

At thirteen Allison got into a league,and at fifteen she was seriously competing in the world of Snooker.By the age of seventeen,she had won her first world title and never looked back.From then until the age of twentyseven.Allison Fisher was a dominant force in the world of Snooker,She left Snooker,winning over 80national titles and eleven world championships,including three mixed doubles and the only Ladies Mixed Doubles event ever held.She played in her first Women’s Professional Billiards Association (WPBA)Tournament in October 1995.This newcomer startled everyone by winning two of her four events,and by placing third in the World Pool Association (WPA)World 9Ball Championship.In 1996Allison continued to storm the tour with seven first place finishes,and a #I ranking.As she would for the next three years,Allison earned Player of the Year honors from Billiards Digest and Pool and Billiard Magazine.She also won her first WPA World 9Ball championship,and her first WPBA Championship.

She kept up her stellar performances in 1997by winning six of eleven WPBA events.Allison defended her championship when she again won the WPA World 9Ball title.As in 1996,this year saw Allison Fisher end with the #I ranking in the WPBA.Her peers also honored her with a “Most Congenial Player”award from the YearEnd Billiards Digest Awards.

On the personal side,Allison is British enough to miss her Mom’s pot roast,the atmosphere in pubs,small villages,lifelong friends and family,and Alfie,her dog.Never one for the “bar scene,”a great evening for Allison is to have good food,good friends,and a night of laughter...

As good as she has been for the game.Allison is quick to point out that it has been even to her.Allison Fisher has always counted her blessings and since her beginning,she has never hesitated to give her time to worthy charities.She has a heart of gold and never hesitates to involve herself where she can help others.