
第1章 自然小知识(1)

Why Is the Water in a Lake Blue

Lake water,as anyone knows who has scooped up some in his hand,is really colourless.The blue colour of a lake is caused by sunlight.When sunlight falls onto the lake,especially where the Water is deep and clear,the blue rays of sunlight are reflected up into our eyes,and the water looks blue.Water in the ocean looks blue for the same reason.



Why Does a Geyser Erupt

A geyser is caused by heat deep in the earth warming up groundwater in a tubelike crack in the earth’s surface.Deep down at the bottom of the geyser hole,the water is heated well beyond its normal boiling point.As the water grows hotter,the rising steam pushes up the column of water in the geyser hole,until SWOOSH!The geyser erupts in a jet of superheated steam.When water refills the geyser hole and becomes hot enough to boil,the geyser will erupt again.



What Causes Thunder

During a thunderstorm,electrical charges are built up in the clouds.If the charges be come great enough,a lightning occurs.As the lightning bolt jumps across tile sky,it quickly heats the air in its path.The heated air quickly expands and rushes outward just as violently as if there had been an explosion!This causes a great sound wave which we hear as thunder.



How Can I Locate the North Star

On clear nights it is possible to tell directions by the North Star,just as sailors have done for hundreds of years.One way to locate the North Star is to look for the Big Dipper.The two stars at the front of the dipper’s cup are called the Pointers.An imaginary line drawn through them points to the North Star.(The North Star is the end star in the handle of the Little Dipper.)



Why Is It Cooler in the Mountains

The higher up we go,on a mountain or up in a plane,the less air there is above us.The thinner the air becomes,the cooler it gets,because the air cannot absorb as much heat from the sun’s rays as it is able to hold at lower elevations.We often see snow on high mountain tops during the summer because the temperature is too cold for all the snow to melt.



What Is Hard Water

“Hard water”is water which has dissolved large amounts of certain minerals.Hard water requires lots of soap to make lather.The minerals also stick to the sides of pipes and boilers and form a crust like scale.Water containing fewer minerals and in which soap will make good suds is called “soft water”.



What Makes the Wind Blow

Wind is moving air.All winds,from gentle breezes to raging hurricanes,are caused mainly by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun.The land in a warm area heats the air above it.As the air gets warmer,it also gets lighter and rises.As the warm air rises,cooler air from a cooler region pushes in to take its place.This movement of warm and cool air makes a wind.



Why Does an Ice Cube Float

Water expands when it freezes.Ice takes up about 1/10more room than it did as water.Thus,an ice cube is lighter than an equal volume of water and will float in it.When an ice cube is floating,about 1/10of it is out of water.Because ice decreases about 1/10in size as it melts,the water from the melted ice will take up only as much space as the ice cube took up when it was floating.That’s why the water level in a glass doesn’t rise as the ice cube melts6.



How Did the Earth Get Its Name

The name“Earth”comes from the old English word“Eorthe”.Before people had the idea of the earth as a planet,our word“Earth”simply meant the ground on which people walked.The word later came to mean the world itself,as well as the ground beneath our feet.



What Makes the Rings Around the Moon