
第13章 时代的发展(4)



The Primitive Currencyin the Santa Cruz Islands

One of the most exotic kinds of money in the world today is a belt two inches wide and thirty feet long fashioned of glue,fibers,and the red feathers of a tropical forest bird.This primitive currency is the basis of a complex monetary and trading system in the Santa Cruz Islands of the southwest Pacific.

Improbable as it is,the redfeather currency fits the most rigorous definition of the term money:It serves as a means of accumulating wealth and as a universal medium of exchange in the highly diversified commerce of the islands.It is fully interchangeable,each belt having a precisely negotiable value in terms of other belts.Moreover,it has maintained its economic integrity against the recent invasion of the Australian poundit is still the only acceptable specie for the purchase of brides,fine pigs,and certain forms of labor.

The use of money is not limited to high civilizations;actually many primitive peoples have devised moneys of their own.Primitive monetary systems require the same balance of supply and demand that confronts the U.S.Treasury and the Federal Reserve System;the value of the money must be carefully regulated.Lacking devices to regulate currency demand artificially,primitive societies must rely on natural or social circumstances.In the redfeather currency system,the supply of new money is regulated by the availability of red feathers and by the output of the people who traditionally make the money.Old currency goes out of circulation,because it loses value as its color fades.





The Zinjanthropus That Roamedthe Earth over a Million Years

A million years have been added to man’s evolutionary history.While anthropologists once estimated the age of Zin janthropus,the earliest toolmaking creature,as more than 600,000years,a recent radioactive dating measurement,based on volcanic rock samples from East Africa,where Zinjanthropus was discovered in 1959,now indicates that this primitive man may have roamed the earth.1,750,000years ago.The new date pushed evidence for the emergence of tool making—one of the two essential attributes of humanity—back into the Pliocene Age,and it seems to fit more easily into the picture of human evolution than the 600,000year figure.

The Zinjanthropus was capable of walking erect,so that its hands were freed,and it had a brain large enough to enable it to perform such simple tasks as making primitive cutting tools from quartzrock.The Zinjanthropus was not a man of the modern species,Homo sapiens,but many anthropologists see in the creature a type that could be very close to,if not actually in,the line of human evolution.The Zinjanthropus must be classified as a man,albeit of a primitive type,because no animal species other than man both makes and uses tools.

Anthropologists consider it probable that the larger brain and higher intelligence of modern man evolved as primitive manlike creatures learned to use tools and to communicate by speech—the other essential of humanity.Such a course of evolution seems more reasonable starting nearly two million years ago than it would at the faster evolutionary pace required if the process started only a half million years ago.



