
第15章 动物拾趣(3)

An elephant isn‘t like you and me in all ways For one thing,he needs very little sleep-about half as much as we do. It is just as well the elephant has to spend about 16 hours every day looking for food. Why? He eats so much about 700 pounds of leaves and grass. Never take an elephant out to lunch!

An elephant has to look for water too. He needs from 30 to 50 gallons a day.

Even a baby elephant needs a lot to eat. His mother helps She tears down green branches that are too high for him.

A mother elephant takes good care of her baby. She even punishes him if he is bad.

One time a baby elephant was walking along the bank of a river and he was very near the edge The other elephants were not far away.

The baby’s mother screeched out a loud warning“Get away from the edge,” she seemed to say. But that baby elephant kept on trying to see just how close he could get. All at once, the earth gave way under him! Screaming,he fell into the water. It was too deep for him.

The elephants spun around They rushed to the bank.They stretched out their trunks toward the small elephant. But he was too afraid to reach for them. What did the elephants do? With care,two of them got down into the water. They slid their tusks under the baby. Slowly they lifted him up. Now the elephants on the bank could reach him. They dragged the baby to safety.

The mother elephant pulled him to her. She made loving noises. She felt all over him with her trunk. At last she was sure her baby was all right. She swung her trunk and gave him a loud whack. She screeched at him She chased him away from the water.

Why did the mother elephant punish her baby? She wanted to be sure that he would not fall into the water again.

Some people say that an elephant never forgets. Mr.Bruce, who lives in Africa, thinks this is true.

One time,Mr.Bruce captured a small elephant. “You‘re a fine little fellow.” said Mr.Bruce “I shall call you Tusky. But what’s this? Here‘s bad sore on your back leg. I will put medicine on the sore. But it will hurt!”

First,Tusky had to be held still. Mr. Bruce moved the animal into a log pen. The pen was so small that Tusky just fit. He had to stand still. Now Mr.Bruce could help him.

Mr.Bruce put medicine on the sore. The medicine seemed to bite into it Tusky screeched with pain. And he was angry! He almost broke out of the pen.

Mr.Bruce kept working on the animal. He put a bandage on the sore. He did everything he could to help Tusky get well.

From time to time,Mr.Bruce had to change the bandage. At first Tusky would screech and try to get away. Then he seemed to understand. He would stay quiet as the bandage was changed. But Tusky still had to be kept in the pen so that he couldn’t tear the bandage off.

At last, Tusky was well He was set free from the pen. But each time he saw Mr.Bruce, he would run to him. Tusky would stretch out his trunk and take Mr.Bruce‘s handHe would put the hand right where the sore had been.

Tusky did not forget!


一想到象,就会联想到大。(即使你想到的是一头小象,也会联想到大,他大约重200磅!)是啊, 象是一种巨大的动物。




















The Rooster That Made

When I was a boy,our family was very poor. So were the other families on farms near us. We had a hard time getting enough money to buy seed, It was even harder to get monty to help keep the church open.

One day,the men talked about ways to raise money for the church.

“To make money,you need to start with money.”Farmer Smith said.“Our church has about $700 now.Why not let each family take some of this money and use it to make more?Next year,we’ll give back the money the church gave us.And we will also give the church the money we have made.”

“That‘s a good plan,”the others said.“Let’s try it!”

The next time the basket was passed in church,it was full of new dollar bills.Each man took some of them.Father took five of the dollar bills.

On the way home,he and mother talked.How could they use the money to make more?

“It‘s too late to plant anything this year,”Father said.

Fifteen Eggs-One Chick

“We can raise some chickens,” said mother.“We already have white leghorns,so we must pick another kind.All the money we make will go to the church.”

“Yes.” said father.“Let’s raise some dark brown leghouns.I‘ve always wanted some on the farm.”

Dark brown leghorns cost more than the white ones.Father had to afford $5 for one setting of 15 eggs.

Our best mother hen sat on the eggs,day after day.But only one egg hatched.

Father took the little chick away from the ben.He put it in a box in the warm kitchen.

“Isn’t it pretty!” cried my little sister.“It‘s just the color of plumjuice!”

“That will be the chick’s name.” said Father.“Plumjuice,you will have to lay a lot of eggs.You must make more than$5.”

Pet or Pest?

Soon the fuzzy baby chick grew feathers.Then a little red comb began to grow on its head. Plumjuice would never lay eggs.He was a rooster!

The five dollars were lost,we thought.But we all loved Plumjuice.The little rooster was the pet of the whole family.

He was soon old enough to stay out in the yard.But he did not want to!Each time the back door was open, he came in.