
第12章 奥运短文阅读(6)

After the men’s game debuted on turf football fields at the 1936Games in Berlin,the European based sport next appeared in its present indoor form in 1972at Munich.A women’s division opened in 1976and it has become one of the most highly attended Olympic sports.


About Gymnastics 体操概述

Olympic sport since 1896。


The Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG)was formed on 23July 1881when representatives of the gymnastics associations of Belgium,France and the Netherlands met in Liège.As a governing body it is held in high esteem by both its member federations and gymnastics clubs throughout five continents.In 1897,seventeen national associations joined together to form the basis of the European Gymnastics Federation.However,when the USA was admitted in 1921,the Committee changed its name to the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique or FIG,as it is known today.


FIG comprises three Olympic disciplines:artistic,rhythmic and trampoline.


Each discipline is controlled by a Technical Committee made up of a Technical President and six members.The Technical Committees are responsible for the coordination and control of their specific discipline in terms of the technical requirements for competition as they relate to each specific discipline.


Aquatics 水上运动

The founding of the Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA)in 1908was a pragmatic response to an increase in international sporting events,crowned by the Olympic Games.At the first modern Olympics in 1896,three swimming contests were held.However,no universally accepted rules,regulations or definitions governed the swimming events.


The Olympic Games competitions prior to FINA had included a variety of unusual events such as underwater swimming (1900),200m obstacle swimming (1900)and plunge for distance (1904).Prior to the London Olympics,where a 100m pool was used,the ocean (1896),the River Seine (1900),and a little lake in St.Louis,USA (1904),had been used as Olympic sites.


In order to unify the rules and create a forum for international meetings,the leaders of the eight attending countries (Germany,Belgium,Denmark,Finland,France,Great Britain,Hungary and Sweden)met on 19July 1908at the Manchester Hotel,London,on the occasion of the Games of the IV Olympiad,and resolved to form a world wide swimming association.Priority decisions or goals were clear:to standardise the rules for swimming,diving and water polo;to obtain control of world records and to maintain an up to date list of these records;and finally,to ensure the direction of Olympic Games competitions for swimming,diving and water polo.


Outstanding accomplishments in the last 40years have included the introduction of the World Championships (1973),the first World Cups (1979),the Olympic debut of synchronised swimming (1984),the Short Course World Swimming Championships (1993),the Diving Grand Prix (1994),advances in the use of technology,specifically of electronic timing equipment;and the rapid development of the swimming programme to include new events such as Masters and Open Water Swimming.


About Canoe /Kayak


The history of the canoe and kayak has been traced back thousands of years to when natives used these craft to hunt,fish and travel.Canoes were used mainly by the native North and South American Indians along with the Polynesian islanders of the Pacific.They were propelled through the water by single.bladed paddles usually made from wood.


The earliest known archaeological evidence of a canoe was unearthed at the tomb of a Sumerian king near the Euphrates River.This relic is estimated to be around 6000years old.The counterpart of the American Indian canoe is the kayak which was introduced by Eskimos many years ago.These people inhabited the land to the far north of the American continent and Greenland.


About Archery 射箭概述

Anyone familiar with the legend of Robin Hood knows archery competitions date back at least to mediaeval times.Indeed,today’s archers still honour the fabled outlaw.The term “Robin Hood”now refers to splitting the shaft of an arrow already in the target with another arrow.


The equipment has crept forward in its technology since Robin and his merry men had the run of Sherwood Forest,but the sport of archery remains essentially unchanged.A recurve bow coated in fibreglass has become standard,and arrows made of aluminium and carbon graphite can travel more than 240km/h,but the most important requirements are straightforward:steady hands,strong shoulders,flexible muscles,sharp eyes and nerves of steel.