
第11章 字母篇(6)



What comes up to the door but never comes in?

提示人行道(the sidewalk)直通门口(come up to the door),但是从来不通到门的里面(never come in)。

谜底:The sidewalk.

What cosmetics ghosts use?

提示vanishing cream(雪花膏)是一种化妆品(cosmetics),vanish作为动词是“消失”的意思,跟鬼魂(ghosts)沾上点边。

谜底:Vanishing cream.

What could you call a small wound?

提示a short cut的常用义是“捷径”,也可以解释为“一个小伤口”。

谜底:A short cut.

What creature is born first and gets its legs later?


谜底:A frog.

What cup can’t you drink from?


谜底:A hiccup.

What day do chickens hate the most?

提示fry days(油煎的日子)跟Fridays(星期五)的读音相同。

谜底:Fry days.

What day of the year is a command to come forward?

提示March fourth(三月四日)跟march forth(前进)的读音相同。

谜底:March fourth.

What did Adam do when he wanted sugar?

提示根据《圣经》的说法,该隐(Cain)是亚当(Adam)的儿子。Cain (该隐)跟cane(甘蔗)的读音相同。

谜底:He raised Cain.

What did Cinderella wear to the beach party?

提示童话里的灰姑娘Cinderella穿的是水晶鞋(glass slippers),而flipper是潜水时缚在脚上的鸭脚板。看起来灰姑娘到了海滨就得把slippers换成flippers了!

谜底:A glass flipper.

What did one strawberry say to another?


谜底:If you weren’t sweet,we wouldn’t be in this jam.

What did the astronaut see in his frying pan?

提示宇航员(astronaut)在他的煎锅(frying pan)里见到什么呢?宇航员会见到UFO,是unidentified flying object(不明飞行物)的缩写,但在煎锅里当然只能有unidentified frying object(不明油煎物)!

谜底:An unidentified frying object.

What did the big chimney say to the little chimney!


谜底:You’re too young to smoke.

What did the birdkeeper get for his birthday?

提示生日礼物是birthday presents;养鸟人得到的是pheasants(雉鸡),这是他喜欢的生日礼物。presents和pheasants的读音相近。

谜底:Birthday pheasants.

What did the cannibal eat when he went on a diet?

提示吸血鬼(cannibal)在节食(went on a diet)的时候吃什么呢?谜底“只吃瘦人”(only thin people)以免发胖,不无道理。

谜底:Only thin people.

What did the duck say when it laid a square egg?



What did the greedy lady get when she asked Santa for some diamonds?

提示圣诞老人(Santa Claus)能送的礼物无非是一副扑克牌而已,里面有的是diamonds。扑克牌里的diamonds是“红方块”,当然不是“宝石”。

谜底:A pack of cards.

What did the lady buy when she went window shopping?

提示went window shopping是“去浏览商店橱窗,看而不买”的意思,可不是去买“橱窗”(windows)。谜底是戏言而已。


What did the miser keep in his sugar bowl?

提示吝啬鬼(miser)用叉(fork)从糖缸(sugar bowl)取糖,可真是名副其实地“吝啬”了。

谜底:A fork.

What did the plank say to the electric drill?


谜底:You bore me.

What did the robber say to the queen bee?

提示强盗通常说的话是“Your money or your life”(给钱还是给命),遇到蜂后的时候说“Your honey or your life”(给蜂蜜还是给命)倒也恰当。妙就妙在money和honey只差一个字母

谜底:“Your honey or your life.”

What did the silly card player do with the scissors?

提示cut the deck是打牌时的用语:“切牌”。只有傻瓜才会真的用剪刀(scissors)去剪(cut)。

谜底:He cut the deck.

What did the snake give his girlfriend on their first date?

提示情人第一次约会(on their first date)分手的时候,男朋友会给女朋友一个吻,英语叫做goodnight kiss,蛇只会hiss(嘶嘶作响)。不过,kiss和hiss相差不远,只不过一个字母。

谜底:A goodnight hiss.

What did the werewolf write on his Christmas cards?

提示圣诞卡(Christmas cards)的常用语是Best wishes of the season (祝你节日快乐),狡猾凶险的人(werewolf)只会邪恶(vicious)!wishes和vicious的读音相近,用心可截然相反!

谜底:“Best vicious of the season.”

What did two old fleas do when they retire?


谜底:Bought themselves a dog and went to live in the country.

What do a bed,a lion,and a river in common?


谜底:They each have springs.

What do a very naughty boy and a boiled egg in common?

提示be in hot water有两个意思,第一个是比喻意义“日子不好过”,第二个是字面意义“在热水中”。淘气包的日子不好过,煮鸡蛋泡在热水里。

谜底:They’ve both been in hot water.

What do ants take when they are sick?



What do bad little wolves become?

提示坏的小狼长大后还是坏,只不过变成“大坏狼”(big bad wolves)了!

谜底:Big bad wolves.

What do bees do for a living?


谜底:They cell honey.

What do birds use to clean their houses?

提示feather duster是“鸡毛掸子”的意思,鸟都长羽毛(feathers),它们打扫屋子(clean their houses)用的当然是feather dusters!

谜底:Feather dusters.

What do cats eat at parties.

提示人吃icecream(冰淇淋),猫吃什么呢?mice(耗子)和scream (叫)合在一起,跟icecream的读音十分相似。


What do cats read in the mornings?



What do chickens celebrate on 1st April?

提示四月一日是April Fool’s Day(愚人节),小鸡是家禽(fowl),fool 和fowl的读音相似,它们的节日不妨叫做April Fowl’s Day(家禽节)。

谜底:April Fowl’s Day.

What do composers write in the bath?

提示浴室(bath)里要用肥皂(soap),作曲家(composers)在浴室创作的就是soap opera(肥皂剧)了。其实,soap opera是一种以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧。

谜底:Soap opera.

What do donkeys celebrate on April 1st?

提示四月一日是April Fool’s Day(愚人节),驴子(donkey)的节日不妨叫做April Mule’s Day(骡子节),因为fool和mule的读音相差不远,意思也相差不远。

谜底:April Mule’s Day.

What do elephants sing at Christmas?

提示人在圣诞节唱Jingle bell,jingle bell;那么大象(elephants)在丛林(jungle)里唱的很可能是Jungle bell,jungle bell。

谜底:Jungle bell,jungle bell.

What do farmers learn in school?


谜底:Their A,B,seeds.

What do frozen cows do?

提示母牛(cows)产奶(milk),可以制成奶油(cream)。说冻坏的母牛(frozen cows)产icecream(冰淇淋)只不过是戏言而已。

谜底:They give icecream.

What do geese watch on television?



What do ghosts drink?



What do humans and fish have in common?


谜底:They both spend part of their lives in schools.

What do polite monsters say at meal time?

提示平时打招呼时的常用语是pleased to meet you(很高兴见到你),魔鬼喜欢吃人,说pleased to eat you(很高兴吃到你)是合乎情理的。尤其有趣的是meet和eat的读音相差不远。

谜底:Pleased to eat you.

What do jigsaw puzzles do when they get bad news?

提示jigsaw puzzles(拼板玩具)拆开以后就成为一小块一小块的木板了。

谜底:They go to pieces.

What do mice do during the day?



What do mountaineers do when they’re bored?

提示登山运动员(mountaineers)闲得无聊(when they’re bored),就去爬墙吧。

谜底:Climb the walls.

What do pigs do after school?


谜底:Their homework.

What do pigs drink when they want to celebrate?