
第7章 字母篇(2)


谜底:With its keys.

How did the sailor wash his clothes?

提示were washed ashore既可以作“被冲上岸去”解,又可以作“在岸上洗”解。第二个解释是合情合理的谜底。

谜底:Threw them overboard and they were washed ashore.

How did the thermometer graduate from college?

提示注意degrees的两个意义:“温度”和“学位”。温度表(thermometer)显示温度,大学毕业(graduate from college)得学位。

谜底:By degrees.

How did the two vampires fall in love?

提示英语里有个常用的说法love at first sight(一见钟情)。但是对于vampire(吸血鬼)来说,就变成love at first bite(一咬钟情)了!sight和bite的读音十分接近,这个谜语的妙处就在这里。

谜底:Love at first bite.

How did the wife know her husband was hardheaded?

提示hardheaded的字面意义是“脑袋硬的”,比喻意义是“顽固的”;to sink in的字面意义是“渗透进去”,比喻意义是“留下深刻的印象”。

谜底:It took a long time for anything to sink in.

How did they the gangster who committed the robbery on Mount Everest?

提示英语的一个短语是the scene of the crime(犯罪现场),把“高山上抢劫的现场”说成是the scene of the climb是戏谑的用法。这里的Mount Everest指的是珠穆朗玛峰(Mount Jumulangma。)

谜底:He returned to the scene of the climb.

How do acrobats fall in love?

提示head over heels的字面意义是“头朝下,颠倒”,比喻意义是“深深地”。杂技演员(acrobats)坠入爱河(head over heels in love)真是形神兼似。

谜底:Head over heels.

How do actors travel?

提示stagecoach只有一个解释:“公共马车”。演员在舞台(stage)上演戏,他旅行的时候也只能乘坐stage coach(舞台上的客车)了。

谜底:By stagecoach.

How do amoebas break up with their girlfriends?

提示英语中“跟女朋友绝交”是split with their girlfriends。阿米巴(amoebas)又称变形虫,是单细胞动物的一类,它们的身体可以裂成两半(split)。

谜底:They split.

How do barbers get to their shop quickly?

提示take short cuts可以有两个解释:“走近路”和“剪短发”。理发师怎样快点到达理发店?自然是走近路,但是take short cuts又有“剪短发”的意思,跟理发师联系在一起,产生了幽默的效果。

谜底:They take short cuts.

How do bees travel?

提示by bus是“坐公共汽车”的意思,蜜蜂飞行的时候“嗡嗡”(buzz)作响。bus和buzz声音相近。

谜底:By buzz.

How do comedians measure their speed?

提示速度的计算单位是miles per hour(英里/小时),喜剧演员(comedians)惹人发笑,说他们smiles per hour(每小时引人发笑几次)倒也有点道理。

谜底:In smiles per hour.

How do dogs break up with their boyfriends?

提示go out的字面意义是“出去”,有一个比喻意义是“参加社交活动”。狗跟它们的男朋友绝交(break up with their boyfriends),显然两者都不干了。

谜底:They stop going out.

How do elephants talk to one another?

提示“在电话上交谈”是talk on the telephone,大象(elephant)用的就该是elephone,由elephant和telephone拼缀而成(blending),这是个杜撰词。

谜底:On the elephone.

How do Eskimos dress?

提示要回答How do Eskimos dress?(爱斯基摩人怎样穿衣服?)这个问题,答案可以多种多样,但是,北美洲的爱斯基摩人(Eskimos)生活在寒带,穿衣服的时候越快越好(as quickly as possible)是无懈可击的。

谜底:As quickly as possible.

How do garbage collectors break up with their girlfriends?

提示garbage collector(收集垃圾的人)要dump the garbage(倒垃圾),把他们跟女朋友绝交说成是dump their girlfriends真是三句话不离本行。

谜底:They dump them.

How do ghosts break up with their boyfriends?


谜底:They disappear.

How do ghosts get through locked doors?

提示skeleton keys(万能钥匙)用在鬼魂身上是恰到好处,因为skeleton的意思是“骷髅”。

谜底:They have skeleton keys.

How do goldfish go into business?


谜底:They start on a small scale.

How do lions like their meat cooked?

提示“(肉)煮做得半生不熟”是medium raw,而roar(狮吼)和raw 同音不同义,狮子喜欢把肉煮得medium roar,这是戏谑的说法。

谜底:Medium roar.

How do mountain climbers break up with their boyfriends?

提示tie的字面意义是“绳索”,cut the tie作“切断绳索”解;而cut the ties of friendship的意思是“切断友谊”。登山运动员离不开绳索,它们跟朋友绝交的时候,用cut ties倒也十分形象。

谜底:They cut ties.

How do mountains hear?


谜底:With their mountainears.

How do oceans cook?

提示怎么把海洋(ocean)跟烹调(cook)联系起来呢?海洋会起波浪(waves),烹调要使用微波炉(microwave oven),于是waves就把两者给联系了起来。

谜底:In micro waves.

How do parachutists break up with their boyfriends?


谜底:They drop them.

How do rabbits travel?


谜底:By hareplane.

How do sailors break up with their girlfriends?

提示海员(sailors)长期在海上漂流(drift),他们跟女朋友绝交很容易想到drift apart,越漂越远,关系逐渐疏远。

谜底:They drift apart.

How do Siamese Twins express themselves?

提示联体双胞胎(Siamese Twins)似乎说话都得一起唱双簧。但是double talk可带有“不知所云的话”和“模棱两可的欺人之谈”的意思,这层贬义使谜底带上了黑色幽默的色彩。

谜底:In double talk.

How do they tell when all the bread has been baked at the bakery?

提示to have a roll call是“点名”的意思。面包房(bakery)里能烤出面包卷(roll)来,面包都烤完以后(when all the bread has been baked)进行清点,给rolls(面包卷)进行一次roll call(点名)倒是名副其实的。

谜底:They have a roll call.

How do we know that astronauts like maths?

提示火箭升空以前总要进行倒计数(countdown),宇航员(astronauts)做好准备,急切等待的就是倒计数这个时刻,说他们喜欢数学(like maths)也没有错。

谜底:They are always ready for countdown.

How do we know that all socks have at least one hole in it?


谜底:Otherwise they couldn’t fit feet in.

How do we know that the play has a happy ending?

提示剧本有个圆满的结局(the play has a happy ending),跟演出枯燥无味、大家盼着快点结束是截然不同的。谜底Because everyone was so happy that it was over带有讽刺的意味,妙就妙在happy一词。

谜底:Because everyone was so happy that it was over.

How do we know the age of dinosaurs?

提示参加某人的生日聚会(birthday parties)就会知道他的年龄,你要想知道恐龙(dinosaurs)的年龄就去参加它们的生日聚会吧——只不过它们已经在地球上绝种了。

谜底:By going their birthday parties.

How do we know the lady called the gas company?

提示我们怎么能知道这位太太给煤气公司打电话了呢?谜底It leaked out里的it如果是指这个消息,那么全句的意思是“消息泄露出来了”;如果it指的是煤气(gas),那么全句的意思是“煤气漏气了”。也可能是两种情况都有,谜底的奥妙之处就在这里。

谜底:It leaked out.

How do you begin a book about ducks?


谜底:With an introducktion.

How do you call a robbery in Beijing?

提示take away的字面意义是“拿走”,另一个特指的意义是“外卖饭菜”(跟“堂吃”相对)。中国的饭菜在西方享有盛名,把在北京发生的抢劫案称为Chinese take away是戏谑的说法

谜底:A Chinese takeaway.

How do you charge a battery?

提示charge a battery的正常理解是“给电池充电”,但是,charge又有“收费”的意思。如果硬要把谜面中的charge理解为“收费”的话,那么只有用信用卡(credit card)了。

谜底:With a credit card.

How do you file a nail?


谜底:Try under the letter “N”.

How do you get a wild duck?

提示a wild duck是个歧义的短语,通常理解为“野鸭子”,但是也指“发怒的鸭子”。谜底取的是第二义,所以可以买一只家鸭(a tame duck),然后再惹它发怒就是了。

谜底:Buy a tame one and really annoy it.

How do you get an elephant into a matchbox?

提示把大象放进火柴盒(a matchbox)是不可能的事情,但是不论放得进去放不进去,第一步先得取出火柴,使火柴盒空出来。

谜底:Take the matches out first.

How do you get from here to there?


谜底:Add a T.

How do you get in touch with a fish?

提示跟某人取得联系(get in touch with)可以给他写一封信(drop him a line),而line又作“钓鱼的线”(=fishing line)解。这个谜语的幽默之处就在于此。

谜底:Drop him a line.

How do you get rock’n roll?