
第9章 异域揽胜(2)

Cairo,the Cradle of Ancient Civilization

Cairo,the cradle of civilization,the Melting Pot of Ancient and Modern Egyptian Civilizations.It is the largest city in the Middle East and lies at the center of all routes leading to and from the three continents:Asia,Africa and Europe.It is the city where past and present meet.On its west side lies the Ancient Egyptian city of Memphis,and the site of the Pyramids,the only wonder surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World.Indeed,a journey through Cairo is a journey through time.

In spite of a thousand years of history,Cairo is young by Egyptian standards,because modern Cairo emerged only with the Arab conquest of Egypt.

The most famous of Cairo’s sights is the string of 60pyramids that stretches along the western border of the desert.Contrary to the common belief,only the Great Pyramid of Khufu,not all three Great Pyramids,is on the list of Wonders.The monument was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu of the Fourth Dynasty around the year BC 2560to serve as a tomb when he died.When it was built,the Great pyramid was 145.75m high.Over the years,it lost 10m off its top.It ranked as the tallest structure on Earth for more than 43centuries.Throughout their history,the pyramids have stimulated human imagination.When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798,his pride was expressed through his famous quote:“Soldiers!From the top of these Pyramids,40centuries are looking at us.”

Cairo has been the most important arts center in the Islamic world for a thousand years.Cairo’s long history and rich heritage are revealed in its many museums.The famous sights in this area are the Entomological Society Museum,with an excellent collection of Egyptian insects and birds.Also in the area is the museum housing the mysterious Sun Boat,only discovered in 1954near the south side of the pyramid.The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the pyramid.

This is Cairo—radiant with a long and glorious past;adorned with the achievements of a distinguished present.

This is Cairo—a cradle of civilization,a wellspring of culture,and a meetingplace of the Asian,African,and European World.

This is Cairo—An international center for social,economic,and political activity,which is making the noblest efforts aimed at peace among all nations and the benefits of all mankind.









The Kingdom of Women

A unique tribe and its culture face new challenges from the outside world.

Imagine a people whose language has no word for “marriage”or “husband”.Just such a tribe lives in the remote mountains of southeastern China.LakeLugu,known as the “Country of Women”is home to the Mosuo,one of the few remaining matriarchal societies left in the world.

Mosuo culture revolves around women:the women make all the important decisions,control the family’s resources,and pass their surnames onto their children.Rather than marry,a Mosuo woman takes many lovers over her lifetime,and the resulting children will always live with her.While the Mosou language has a word for “mother”,there is no word for “father”and Mosuo children refer to all older men as “uncle”.

Getting to Lake Lugu isn’t easy,and the isolation from the outside world helped the tribe keep their customs and culture intact.A generation ago,few outsiders had ever heard of Lake Lugu or the Mosuo.

But after anthropologists first started to document the tribe’s customs,word got out about the uniqueness of their culture and the beauty of the lake.These reports attracted travelers and,at times,this onceisolated paradise seems filled with tourists who’ve come to gawk at the locals.Along with the visitors come stories of the outside world,tempting the young to leave home for the big cities in search of new opportunities.

For better or worse,the unique world of the Mosuo people is changing.Many of the older Mosuo women prefer the old days,before the outsiders came with their strange clothing and stranger ideas.But most agree that change is inevitable.And some of the younger Mosuo women are speaking openly about getting married—a concept their grandmothers still don’t understand.








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