
第12章 人物魅影(1)

If George Washington CouldVisit the United States Now

If George Washington were able to travel back and forth in time,he would feel much more at home in ancient Babylon,3,700years before his time,than in our modern age,200years after he lived.

Torches,chariots,and rough streets,like those of Babylon in 2060B.C.,would not surprise him.He read by candlelight and rode in carriages on unpaved roads.He never saw a building more than four stories high.Electric lights,autos,highways,and skyscrapers would amaze him.

When Washington was ill,he might have expected to be cut and bled to let out the“bad blood”that was making him sick.He would not know what a modern doctor meant by serums,germs,and allergies.

If the Father of His Country could visit the United States now,he might think that he had landed on another planet!






How Americans ShowedTheir Respect for Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American.When he died in 1931,Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him.

One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout.All electric power would be shut off in homes,streets,and factories.

Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions meant to them.Electric power was too important to the country.Shutting if off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion.A blackout was out of me question.

On the day of Edison’s funeral,many people silently dimmed their lights.In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen’s fingertips.






The Paintings and BronzeStatues of Charles Marion Russel

The men who write TV westerns would be hard put to create a character as fabulous as Charles Marion Russell.He was a painter,sculptor,and professional cowboy.He lived the life of a cowhand in the old west during the feverish days of fast horses and faster guns.At the same time he created realistic images of the West in bronze and on canvas.

Russell was born in St.Louis,Missouri,in 1864.He may have inherited his artistic galant from his mother,who was an accomplished amateur painter.When Russell was fifteen,his parents finally yielded to his craving for the West and allowed him to go to a ranch in Montana.

When Russell arrived there,the few white men in Montana were mostly miners and cattlemen.The IndiansSioux and Cheyenne—still had vivid memories of the Sioux victory over Custer in 1876.

Russell sketched what he saw:cow hands,Indians,homesteaders,horses,buffaloes,grizzlies,and wolves.From on—the spot sketches came most of his famous paintings and magnificent bronze statues.






Henry the NavigatorThat Never Went to Sea

The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea.He was Prince Henry of Portugal,the younger son of the Portuguese king and an English princess.

Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century.As a boy he became devoted to the sea,and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them.In 1416,when he was twentytwo,Henry founded a school for mariners,to which he invited everyone who could help him-Jewish astronomers,Italian and Spanish sailors,and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew how to use the crude compass of the day and could improve it.

Henry’s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore.The caravel carried more sails and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made,yet was tough enough to withstand gales atsea.He also developed the carrack,which was a slower ship,but one that was capable of carrying more cargo.