
第4章 地理小帖士(4)

Oceanographer shave long been perplexed by the fact that there is so little sediment on the floors of the world’s oceans.Their calculations,based on the estimated rate of sediment accumulation and on the time this process has had to work ,indicate that there should be a layer of sand,rock particles,and organic matter from two to two and onehalf miles thick over the bottom of the seas.Their findings of the actual thickness of the sediment layer,however,have indicated that it is not more than a fourth of this depth.(Some oceanographers believe the deposit of organic material alone,falling in what they call the “rain of death”,would have accounted for this amount of sediment.)Then in 1962the expedition scientists reported that they found the bottom of the Indian Ocean much  rougher than had been though.To the oceanographers,this means that their estimates of the actual thickness of the sediment layer have been too high.

Thus it may be that an even thinner layer of sediment exists than that which oceanographers had previously considered too small.






The Horse Latitudes and theSpanish Adventurers

The Atlantic Ocean,named for the legendary lost island of Atlantis,has made up for the romantic origin of its name by becoming the most important commercial highway in the world;yet traces of romance continually mingle with the business of the sea.

For instance,the Spanish adventurers who first sought gold and silver in America frequently found their ships becalmed,usually on the edge of the steady trade windsabout 30degrees north or south latitude.A sailing ship could carry only so much water,and as it lay motionless under a hot sun for days or weeks,the tortures of thirst were agonizing.

The horses were generally the first victims;they had to be thrown overboard when they died or became crazed with thirst.Because the Spanish caballeros thought highly of their horses,even crediting them with souls,they suffered great remorse and believed the ghosts of the proud war horses were haunting the scene;they saw the restless spirits in their dreams and related their dreams to sailors.

Whenever the mariners passed that way,they would see in the spray or clouds images of wild horses bearing down on them;they began to call the broad belts of calm the“horse latitudes”,the romantic name by which they are known today.






Wegener and His FloatingContinents Theory

Sabine Island,near Greeland,was first discovered and mapped by the British geographer Sir Edward Sabine in 1823,but an 1869map showed that it was actually a quarter of a mile farther west than its discoverer had indicated.This discrepancy was intriguing to Alfred Wegener,a young geologist working in Greenland in 1910.He thought the error too great to be accounted for easily.

Wegener himself took measurements and found that since 1869the island had moved an additional fiveeighths of a mile.After checking the positions of other arctic land masses,he concluded that all of them were drifting westward at different speeds.

From such data,Wegener developed his floating continents theory.He envisioned an original supercontinent that crystallized out of moltenmaterial making up the infant earth;eventually the mass cracked and broke into several pieces—the present continents.The continents do seem to fit together like pieces of a puzzle,and furthermore,some of the mountain ranges of different continents line up rather well,as if the land masses were at one time linked.

As convincing as Wegener’s argument appeared,many geologists refused to accept it,and controversy raged.Exactly how the continents were formed is still a leading geophysical mystery,though today many geophysicists are returning to the continental drift theory.




