
第9章 自然小贴士(2)

Probably the most typical mirage picture is one of a lake in a waterless desert.There may even be the appearance of waves breaking on the shore.The easiest form of mirage to study,however,is one that has been seen by millions of people—those seeming strips of water on asphaltsurfaced highways that vanish when one approaches them.

Gordon rates Operation Long Distance as the most puzzling of mirage forms,since it nullifies basic law of physics.The law states that the apparent size of an object diminishes as we move away from it;however,this kind of mirage will carry a picture of a ship,a town,or an island a thousand miles and set it up in the sky as big as life.

Mirages may have had an effect on history:a World War Ⅰstory,which has not been positively verified,deals with acrucial battle between the Turks and the British.Supposedly,the stronger Turkish army was gaining the advantage when one of its outposts reported British reinforcements advancing.After a hurried conference,the Turkish forces withdrew.In reality there were no advancing British troops—what had been reported was a mirage showing men who were a hundred miles away.






Climbing Out of a Spaceship

onto the Surface of the Moon

We have just climbed out of a spaceship onto the surface of the moon.Behind us is the ship,half in the sunlight and half in deep shadow.A few miles ahead is a wall of mountains towering against the black sky.And there,as though resting on the mountains,is a great ball of light,beautifully colored in blue and green and brown with a patch of dazzling white at the top.It is our own faraway world—the earth.

We take a step and rise like prize jumpers-up,float,and down again.Hopping carefully,we explore the valleys,the sloping crater walls,the shadowy crater floors.

Not a sound can be heard—there is no air to carry sound,no wind;there are no smells,no plants,no animals,There is nothing but rock and dust,blinding sunlight and cold black shadows.





Copper,the First Metal

That Man Learned to Make

Copper was the first metal that man learned to make.In some mountainous lands there were rocks streaked with green minerals.One day some rocks were accidentally heated by a roaring fire.When the fire burned low,little beads of copper were seen on the rock wall.

After that,men heated the rock deliberately to see whether more copper would appear.They soon found a good way to make copper.They would build a trench on a hillside and fill it with charcoal and copperbearing rock.They covered this furnace with flat stones.

They started a wood fire to heat the charcoal and the hot charcoal released copper from the rock.A hot red pool of melted metal formed at the mouth of the trench.When it was cool,the solid metal could be lifted out and cut and pounded into shapes.





Meteorite Worship

Men seem to have always taken an interest in meteorites,but not until the early nineteenth century were these objects considered worth preserving for scientific study.

in the beginning,people believed that because meteorites fell from the heavens,they were either gods themselves or messengers from the gods.Thus the more civilized of early men carefully kept the meteorites,draping them in costly linens and anointing them with oil.In many instances,the people built special temples in which the meteorites were to be worshiped.Mediterranean Sea,and in Africa,India,Japan,and Mexico;such worship still persists in some regions.

Although many people held meteorites in reverence,particularly if they were seen to fall,other practicalminded individuals made good use of the durable and easilyworked alloy provided by nature in the nickeliron meteorites.They frequently used this metal to make tools,and often pots and other utensils.Throughout history,meteoritic iron has been used in the manufacture of special swords,daggers,and knives for members of royalty.Attilla and other early conquerors of Europe boasted of“swords from heaven”.As late as the end of the nineteenth century,several swords were made from a Japanese iron meteorite at the command of a member of the Japanese court.




