

What can a little chap do For his country and for you? What can a little chap do?

He can fight like a knight For the truth and the right;That"s one good thing he can do.

He can shun all that"s mean, He can keep himself clean Both within and without;That"s another good thing he can do.

His soul he can brace Against everything base, And the trace will be seen All his life in his face;That"s a very fine thing he can do.

He can look to the light,

He can keep his thought white, He can fight the great fight,He can do with his might What is good in God"s sight;These are excellent things he can do.

Though his years be but few, He can march in the queue Of the good and the great Who battled with fateAnd won through;

That"s a wonderful thing he can do.

And, in each little thing, He can follow the King; Yes, in each smallest thing, He can follow the King-He can follow the Christ, the King.

-John Oxenham

About the Author.-John Oxenham is a modern English poet who wrote many verses at the time of the Great War. He wrote novels also. This poem is from Princess Mary"s Gift Book, which was published forpurposes of war relief.

About the Poem.-Who is "you" in the second line? How can one fight for the truth and the right? What things are mean and base? What is meant by "keep his thought white"? Mention some of "the good and the great who battled with fate."Suggestions for Verse-speaking.-Let six pupils (or divisions of the class) speak one verse; then all join in the last verse, which should be spoken quietly.