
第23章 THE BuTTERfly

Yes, go, little butterfly; Fan the warm air,

With your soft, silken pinions, So bright and so fair.

A poor, fluttering prisoner No longer you"ll be;There! out of the window!

You"re free-you are free.

Go rest on the bosom

Of some pretty flower; Go sport in the sunlight,Your brief little hour; Your day at the longestIs scarcely a span; Then go and enjoy it,

Be gay while you can.

You see I have something More useful to do;

I work, and must learn,

And play sometimes too. Your days with the blossoms,Bright thing, you may spend, They close with the summer-Mine never shall end.

Author.-The author is not known.

General Notes.-How did the word butter get into the name butterfly? This insect has been compared to a winged flower. What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth? The butterfly has no nest; its food is the sweet juice of flowers; it lives only a few days. In what ways is a butterfly like a bird? In what ways is it unlike?