
第15章 雪花

1.What is this white stuff like little feathers which is falling from the sky?We call it snow.If we could catch some of the flakes of snow on a piece of black cloth and look at them,they would look like this.

2.Their shapes are very pretty.Each little snow-flake is in the shape of a star with six points.The large flakes are made up of many of these stars.

3.Where does the snow come from?It comes from the clouds.And what is it made of?Let us put some snow in a cup,and place it near the fire.Then we shall see.The snow will soon melt,and we shall find that the cup is half full of water.

4.Snow,then,is made of water.On warm days,water falls from the clouds in drops,and we call it rain.But when it is very cold,the water comes down in the form of snow.

5.If we take some snow and squeeze it hard,all the little flakes or crystals will stick together in a ball.It is great fun to throw these snow-balls at one another;but we must be careful not to hurt any one,for a well-thrown snowball gives a hard blow.

6.On the tops of very high mountains,and in very cold countries,there is so much snow that it lies on the ground all the year round.Even the heat of summer is not able to melt it.


7.In these lands,when the snow

is deep,it is very hard to walk through it.People then tie large flat frames,called snow-shoes,under their feet,so that they may not sink in the snow.

8.In these cold lands people do not use carts with wheels.Instead of wheels,the carts have flat pieces of wood or iron,which slide along on the top of the snow.

9.These carts or carriages are called sledges or sleighs.Would you not like to go for a ride ona sledge,over the snow,on a cold winter’s day?

10.It is great fun,too,to slide down the hills when theyare covered with snow.We must get a large flat piece of wood,or a small sled.Then we sit or lie down on it and p u s h o u r s e l v e s off,and away We go11.Here is a picture of some boys and girls sliding down the snowy hills in Canada.They do not mind if they tumble off,for the snow is soft,and a fall does not hurt them.


Snow is water which has frozen in the clouds.It falls in flakes,which are made up of little stars with six points.If snow is put in a warm place,it will melt into water.On some very high mountains snow lies all through the year.In cold countries the people walk on snow-shoes,to keep them from sinking in the deep snow.They also use sledges or sleighs to go over the snow with.In Canada the young people slide down the snow-hills on sleds.











