
第17章 兔子(1)

1.I know a boy who has some tame rabbits.He keeps them in the yard behind his house,in a box called a rabbit-hutch.His rabbits are black and white,but wild rabbits are grey or brown.

2.The rabbit is nearly as large as a cat.It has a backbone,and four legs,like the cat.The hind-legs of the rabbit are longer and stronger than the forelegs,so that it can jump very well.

3.The rabbit is covered with fur,which is made of short hairs that stand out from the skin.The fur keeps the rabbit warm,and it is always clean,for no dirt will stick to it.

4.Look at the.rabbit‘s ears.How long they are,and how easily it can move them about,so as to hear the least sound!

5.The rabbit’s mouth is very funny.Its upper lip is cut into two parts.It has six sharp front teeth for cutting-four in the upper jaw,and two in the lower jaw.At the back of the mouth it has teeth with flat tops for grinding its food.

6.The rabbit feeds on grass and roots and leaves,and even on the bark of young trees.It digs a deep hole or burrow in a sandy bank,and makes its nest there.



7.A sandy place where many rabbits live is called a rabbit-warren.If you pass one of these in the dusk,you will see on every side of you little white stars of fur dancing about,and then sinking into the ground.

8.When it is too dark to see the brown fur of the rabbits,you can see the white tufts on their tails as they run away to their burrows.This makes them look very funny in the dusk.

9.The rabbit has whiskers on each side of its mouth.Its burrow is quite dark under the ground;but its whiskers are feelers,and keep it from hitting its head against anything.

10.Notice the large eyes of the rabbit,so bright and so brown.And see,it has five toes on each fore-foot,but only four toes on each hind-foot.



11.I hope that,if you ever have rabbits,you will be kind to them,and give them plenty of green leaves to eat,and keep their hutch clean and dry.


The rabbit is an animal nearly as large as the cat.Wild rabbits are grey or brown;tame ones are black and white.The rabbit has four legs,and can jump very well.Its fur keeps it warm and clean.With its long ears it can hear the least sound.Its front teeth are for cutting,and the others for grinding its food.It has whiskers or feelers,with which it feels its way in the deep dark burrows or holes in which it lives.It feeds on grass,roots,leaves,and bark.A place where many rabbits live is called a rabbit-warren.











