
第23章 滨螺

1.A boy with a basket is walking down the street.He is shouting out,“Winks,winks,periwinks!”Let us buy a few of them,and put them into salt water,if they are alive.

2.The winkle is often called the “sea-snail,”because it lives in the sea,and looks like a snail.It has a hard twisted shell,but it has no bones inside;its body is only a mass of soft flesh.

3.When we take it in our hands,we see that it has a hard,horny scale,which shuts the opening in its shell like a little door.

4.Now put the winkle in the water.Soon you see it push out a broad soft part called the “foot,”by which it holds on to the rocks.But we might also call it the “head,”for in it you see little horns or feelers and two tiny eyes.

5.The winkle has gills inside its body to breathe with,and a little stomach and a little heart.But its blood is not red like our blood.

6.The tongue of the winkle is very long and narrow,and is covered with very small teeth.The winkle uses its tongue like a saw to cut off bits of the sea-weed on which it feeds.

7.The winkle lays its little eggs upon the sea-weed that grows on the sea-shore.

8.Winkles must be boiled before we eat them.After they are cooked,we can pull each winkle out of its shell with a pin.


The periwinkle or winkle lives in the sea,and looks like a snail.It has a hard twisted shell,but no bones.It holds on to rocks by a broad soft part called a foot,in which are its horns,or feelers,and two very small eyes.It breathes with gills inside its body.Its long and narrow tongue is covered with small teeth,with which it cuts off bits of sea-weed on which it feeds.It lays its eggs on seaweed.Winkles,when boiled,are good for food.








