
第71章 欧鲽鱼

1.The plaice is one of the fishes that we call “flat fishes,”such as the sole,the flounder,and the turbot.It is from twelve to eighteen inches long,and weighs about two or three pounds.Asin all the flat fishes,the body is very broad in proportion to①itslength,and very thin or “flat.”

2.Most people make the mistake of thinking that the dark-brown side of the plaice,with its yellow or red spots,is the back of the fish,and that the white or under side is its belly.But this is not so:the dark part is really the right side of the fish,and the white part is its left side.

3.Can you see a line or mark near the

middle of each side of this “flat fish,”reaching from its head to its tail ?This line divides the real upper side or back from the real lower side or belly of the fish.

4.In the lesson on the sole in your last

book,you were told how the young flat fishchanges its habits②and appearance③.WhenUNDER SIDE OF HEAD(鱼头下方)the plaice is very young,it swims upright,oron its edge.It has then an eye on each side of its head,just like other fishes.But soon it begins to spend most of its time on the bottom of the sea,and there it lies always on its left side.Then,wonderful to say,the left eye very slowly works its way round,until after some weeks it is on the upper side of the head along with the right eye.



5.The plaice has a single fin,stretching along its back like a fringe④nearly all the way from its head to its tail,and a similar fin along its belly.It has a short fin near the middle of each side①In proportion to,compared with;put alongside of.

②Habits,ways of living;customs.


④Fringe,border of loose threads;edge.

just behind its head,and another pair of short fins between the head and the belly fin.It has also a large tail fin.

6.Most fishes swim by moving their tails from side to side;but the plaice swims in a very funny way,by moving its wholePLAICE SWIMMING(游动的欧鲽鱼)body,and by a waving①motion of its long fins.Some day you will perhaps go to an aquarium②and see many kinds of fish in large tanks with glass sides.Then you will be pleased to see how the plaice swims.

7.It is very hard to see the plaice as it lies on the sand or mud with its dark and spotted side upwards.This is just what the plaice likes:it does not want the big fishes to see it;because,if they did,they would soon catch and eat it.

8.When children are wading in the sea by the sandy beach,they sometimes tread③on a plaice lying half buried in the sand.They get a great fright when they feel the fish moving away fromunder their feet.

①Waving,moving backwards and forwards.

②Aquarium,a place with tanks in which fish are kept for show.


9.The plaice spawns or lays its thousands of little eggs in the sea water in the month of March.The fish is not good to eat then;but it soon improves,and is at its best in the month of May.

10.Plaice feed chiefly at night,when they swim about near the bottom of the shallow bays in which they live,devouring①any shell-fish or star-fish that they may find.They have a largemouth,and a number of small teeth.

11.Have you ever eaten the plaice ?Its flesh is not so good as that of the sole,being soft and watery.In large towns there are many fried-fish shops,where the plaice is cut into slices and fried in dripping or oil.You can often tell,by the smell of the burning fat,when you are passing one of these shops.


The plaice is a “flat fish”from twelve to eighteen inches in length,and two or three pounds in weight.The dark side of the fish is the right side,and the white part is its left side.When very young the plaice swims upright,and has an eye on each side of its head.But when it lies for some time at the bottom of the sea,the left eye moves round to the upper or right side of the head.The plaice has two fringe-like fins-one along the back,the other along the belly-two pairs of short side fins,and a large tail fin.It has a large mouth,with a number of small teeth.The plaice swims by moving its whole body and by a waving motion of its fins.The plaice spawns in March,and is at its best for eating in May.


1.欧鲽鱼①就是“比目鱼”(俗称板鱼)的一种,比目鱼的科类有箬鳎鱼、鲽鱼以及菱鲆等等。这种鱼的体长为12-18英寸,重量大约为2-3磅。所①Devouring,eating greedily.











