
第8章 金鱼

1.Have you ever seen very pretty little fishes,of a bright yellow or golden colour,swimming in a glass bowl of water?Look in the shop-windows,and perhaps you will see some.

2.Are these fishes made of gold?No;we only call them gold-fish because their colour is a bright yellow,like the colour of gold.

3.If you save up your money,you may buy a gold-fish some day.It would cost you only a few pence.If you ever get one,you must be very kind to it.You must keep the bowl in a warm room,and fill it with fresh water two or three times a week.

4.You must not forget to feed the little fish also.It is very fond of ants‘eggs,and it will eat little worms and insects,and perhaps a few bread-crumbs.

5.If you are kind to your gold-fish,it will soon learn to know you.It will then swim to your finger when you put it in the bowl.

6.Look at the shape of the fish.It is pointed at each end,which is the best shape for going through the water.Its body is covered with scales,which lap over each other,like the tiles of a roof.

7.Do you see the fins of the gold-fish?It has two breast-fins,two belly-fins,a back-fin,a tail-fin,and a fin on its under side near the tail.These fins keep the fish steady as it swims.But how does it swim?It does this by waving its tail from side to side.

8.You can see the two eyes of the gold-fish.They are very bright.It cannot shut its eyes as we can,for it has no eyelids.

9.Fishes breathe air as we do,but it is the air which is mixed with the water.The fish draws this air out of the water by its gills.

10.Do you see the two flaps,one on each side of the head of the gold-fish,just behind the eyes?Under these flaps there are some folds of red flesh.These are the gills,and they are red because all the blood in the fish’s body passes through them.

11.Look how the fish opens its mouth and takes in water.But it does not swallow this water;it lets it run out again through itsgills.And as the water passes through them,the gills suck the air out of the water.


The gold-fish is so called because it is of a bright yellow or golden colour.It swims by waving its tail from side to side,and its fins keep it steady.By means of its gills it breathes the air which is mixed with the water.













