
第88章 勤劳的蜜蜂

1.Have you ever seen a hive of bees?Some hives are made with glass sides,through which we can see all that the bees are doing.

2.In early summer each perfect hive contains four kinds of bees.First,there is the mother,or queen bee,which lays the eggs,each in a little cell made of wax.Then there are the maleQUEEN(蜂王)DRONE(雄蜂)WORKER(工蜂)bees,or drones.These drones do no work in seeking for honey,and so they are soon killed by the other bees,and their bodies are thrown out of the hive.

3.Next come the most numerous①class of all,the workers.

Some of these build a great many little six-sided wax cells within the hive;while others visit flowers and suck out their sweet juices,or honey,and fill the cells with it.

①Numerous,plentiful;many in number.

4.Lastly,there are the young bees.Each egg laid by the queen bee is put into a little wax cell,and changes first into a little white thing like a maggot①without legs,which is called a larva.The larva is fed by the working bees,and in a few days it makes foritself a hard skin,and is called a pupa.A few days more,and the pupa has changed into a perfect bee,which makes its way out of its little room or cell,and is ready to set to work at once.

5.The queen bee is much larger than the others.Both the queen bee and the workers have stings for fighting,but the drones have none.When the bee stings,an acid②juice flowsdown the sting into the wound,and causes a smarting③pain.

Bees do not use their stings unless they are angry.If you go too near a hive,some of the bees may think that you mean to hurt them,and may sting you.The skin will swell at the place where you were stung,and that spot will feel very sore for several days.

6.The hive bee is dark brown in colour,and its body is covered with brown hairs.Its length is a little more than half an inch.The body of the bee,like that of all insects,is divided into three parts-the head,the chest,and the belly.

7.The head has two eyes,two feelers,

and a long trunk or tongue with which



the bee gathers honey from the flowers.The chest has two pairs of gauzy④wings above,and underneath there are three pairs of jointed legs.The belly is the largest of the three parts of the body,but it has no limbs attached⑤to it.If we examine the body of the①Maggot,small grub or worm.


③Smarting,keen;causing sharp pain.

④Gauzy,thin like gauze.


bee carefully,we shall see that it is made of a number of rings joined together.

8.Each of the two hind legs of the bee has a hollow called the “basket”on the outer side.In these two baskets the working bee stores up the pollen,or yellow grains like dust,which it gets from the flowers.This pollen is taken to the hive and mixed with honey.It is then called “bee bread,”for it is the food on which the young bees are brought up.

9.There is never more than one grown-up

queen bee in a hive at a time.As the summer goeson,and the hive becomes too full,a young queenLEG OF BEE(蜜蜂的足)grows up.Then the old queen and a great number of the working bees leave the hive.This is called “swarming.”The swarm of bees often settles①on the branch of a tree not far from the hive,and soon they are taken by their owner and put into a new and empty hive.


In a hive there are four kinds of bees-the queen,the drones,the “workers,”and the young bees.The queen is much larger than the other bees.The male bees,or drones,are killed after a while.The workers build the wax cells and fill them with honey.The queen bee lays eggs in wax cells.Each egg changes first into a larva,then into a pupa,then into a perfect bee.Both the queen and the workers have stings.The head of the bee has two eyes,two feelers,and a long trunk or tongue.The chest has two pairs of wings above and three pairs of legs underneath.When a young queen appears in the hive,the old queen and many of the other bees swarm,and a new hive is formed.
















