
第42章 军事(7)

tactics [5tAktIks]战术、策略tactical [5tAktIk[l]战术的、作战的Pace said U.S.forces are still finding an enormous amount of explosivesin Iraq.The Pentagon and its commanders,he said,are working to find thebest technologies and tactics to protect the troops,including better armorand improved battlefield operations(.P)

Anti-malaria drugs which save hundreds of thousands of lives every year are at risk of becoming useless,because of new counterfeiting tactics.(BBC)

tank [tANk]坦克tanker [5tANk[]油轮、加油飞机、罐车He also advocated reductions in many other systems,such as the M1Abrams tank,the Bradley Fighting Vehicle,the Tomahawk cruise missile,and the F-16jet(.NBC)

A man is in hospital with serious injuries following a collision betweena petrol tanker and a Honda car in Bradford-on-Avon,Wiltshire.Police said the collision happened when the Honda driver crossed into the path of thetanker on Leigh Road(.BBC)

tear gas 催泪瓦斯Violence erupted for a sixth night Tuesday in the troubled suburbs northeast of Paris with police firing rubber bullets and tear gas as they faceddown gangs of youths in Aulnay-sous-Bois,according to witnesses(.CNN)

tense [tens]紧张的Unidentified assailants attacked a group of high school girls on Saturday in Indonesia’s tense province of Central Sulawesi,beheading three andseriously wounding a fourth,police said(.FOX NEWS)

territory [5terIt[rI]领土Taking a strong stand against Palestinian extremists,the United States joined Friday with the United Nations,Russia and the European Union in demanding Syria immediately close the offices of Islamic Jihad inDamascus and prevent use of its territory for terror actions(.FOX NEWS)

threat [Wret]威胁threaten [5Wretn]威胁In a written statement,the council pointed out that all members of the United Nations“have undertaken to refrain from the threat or use of force against ...any state.”(CNN)Grenadian police ordered people off the streets and businesses closed Wednesday as Tropical Storm Emily threatened an island still recoveringfrom the devastation of Hurricane Ivan last year(.USA TODAY)

transportation [trAnspC:5teiF[n]运输Mak‘s wife,Rebecca Julium,62,helped him copy the data to compact discs,and his brother,Tai Mak,encrypted the information and arranged totransport it to Mexico,the indictment states.All three are charged with acting as unregistered foreign agents and face a maximum sentence of 10years in prison if convicted(.CNN)

treaty [5trI:tI]条约

The inaugural meeting of the Asia-Pacific climate pact,hailed as analternative to the Kyoto treaty,has been postponed(.BBC)

trigger [5trIg[]引发、引起、触发;扳机A powerful undersea earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Tuesday,triggering a small tsunami,sending debris crashing into a crowded swimming pool and shaking skyscrapers as far away as Tokyo.At least 59people were injured(.USA TODAY)

troop [trU:p]军队

Ecuadorean troops destroy a suspected Colombian rebel camp near theborder between the two countries(.BBC)

truce [tru:s]休战、休战协定Bush and Roh also agreed that talks should be held to replace the 1950-1953Korea War truce with a peace treaty,according to Reuters newsservice.The two Koreas remain technically at war because they have neversigned a peace treaty(.AP)

violate [5vai[leit]违反violation [vai[5leiF[n]违反Israel detains nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu for allegedlyviolating the terms of his release from jail(.BBC)

In the military’s own investigation into prisoner abuse,Maj.Gen.Antonio Taguba said efforts to hide prisoners from the Red Cross were“deceptive”and a“violation of international law”(.NBC)

violence [5vai[l[ns]暴力Violence first visited French suburbs in 1981,in the Lyon area.For three decades,successive governments have worked to improve conditions,butdiscrimination and a sense of exclusion prevails(.AP)

vulnerable [5vQln[r[b[l]易受攻击的、脆弱的Sony is to stop making music CDs with anti-piracy software which canleave computers vulnerable to viruses(.BBC)

war [wC:]战争war criminal [5krImInl]战犯warhead [5wC:hed]弹头warship [5wC:FIp]战舰a fleet of warships 舰队war-zone 战区Three years ago,Massachusetts Reps.Martin Meehan,Stephen Lynch and Edward Markey bucked their state Democratic colleagues and castvotes to give President Bush a green light to go to war in Iraq(.AP)

“You,who have used nuclear weapons against innocent people,who have used uranium ordnance in Iraq,should be tried as war criminals in courts,”Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday,in quotespicked up by the Associated Press(.AP)

The guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie fired an interceptor missile and knocked out the rocket‘s warhead about 100miles(160kilometers)above the Pacific,the Missile Defense Agency said in a statement(.CNN)

A flotilla of powerboats hovers above a Technicolor reef,tied together like a fleet of mothballed warships.“We’re almost ready,”says BillBecker,who is in command of the lead pontoon vessel(.NBC)

White House advisers convene secret sessions about the political dangers of revelations that American troops committed atrocities in the war zone,and about whether the president can delicately intervene in theinvestigation(.NYT)

withdraw(pull out)[wIT5drC:]撤退、撤军withdrawal(pullout)[wIT5drC:[l]撤退Poland contributed an initial force of 2,500to the U.S.-led occupation ofIraq and the leftist government unseated in elections in September had planned to withdraw the remaining 1,400troops by the end of January.(Reuters)

Poland will pull its troops out of Iraq in 2006but it may move the deadline for withdrawal from January to mid-year,Polish Defense MinisterRadoslaw Sikorski said on Friday(.Reuters)

The top U.S.commander in Iraq,Gen.George Casey,has submitted a plan to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,recommending that a pulloutbegin early next year(.CNN)