
第11章 眼里有心,旖旎一路风景(4)

In the years to follow, theanswers began to arrive, clearand satisfying beyond my mostoptimistic anticipation. Oneof the answers was EnchantedHills, where my nurse friend andI have the privilege of "seeing"blind children come alive inGods out-of-doors. Othersare the never-ending sourcesof pleasure and comfort I havefound in friendship, in greatmusic, and, most important ofall, in my growing belief thatas I attune my life to divinerevelation, I draw closer toGod and, through Him, toimmortality.











Bright Heart

Last year around Halloween, I wasinvited to participate in a carnival forTuesdays Child, an organization that helpschildren with the AIDS virus. I was askedto attend because Im on a television show;I went because I care. I dont think thatmost of the kids recognize me as a celebrity.

They just thought of me as a big kid whocame to play with them for the day. I thinkI liked it better that way.

At the carnival they had all kinds ofbooths. I was drawn to one in particularbecause of all the children that hadgathered there. At this booth, anyone whowanted to could paint a square. Later thatsquare was going to be sewn together withthe others, to make a quilt. The quilt wouldbe presented to a man who had dedicatedhis life to this organization and would soonbe retiring.

They gave everyone fabric paints inbright, beautiful colors and asked the kidsto paint something that would make thequilt beautiful. As I looked around at all thesquares, I saw pink hearts and bright blueclouds, beautiful orange sunrises and greenand purple flowers. The pictures were allbright, positive and uplifting. All except forone.

The boy sitting next to me waspainting a heart, but it was dark, empty,and lifeless. It lacked the bright, vibrantcolors that his fellow artists had used.

At first I thought maybe he tookthe only paint that was left and it justhappened to be dark. But when I asked himabout it, he said his heart was that colorbecause his own heart felt dark. I asked himwhy and he told me that he was verysick. Not only was he very sick, buthis mom was very sick also. He saidthat his sickness was not ever goingto get better and neither was hismoms. He looked straight into myeyes and said, “There is nothing thatanyone can do will help.”

I told him I was sorry thathe was sick and I could certainlyunderstand why he was so sad. Icould even understand why he hadmade his heart a dark color. But Itold him that it isnt true that thereis nothing anyone can do to help.

Other people may not be able tomake him or his mom better but wecan do things like give bear hugs, which inmy experience can really help when youare feeling sad. I told him that if he wouldlike, I would be happy to give him one sohe could see what I meant. He instantlycrawled into my lap and I thought my ownheart would burst with the love I felt forthis sweet little boy.

He sat there for a long time and whenhe had had enough, he jumped down tofinish his coloring. I asked him if he feltany better and he said that he did, but hewas still sick and nothing would changethat. I told him I understood. I walkedaway feeling sad, but recommitted to thiscause. I would do whatever I could to help.

As the day was coming to an end andI was getting ready to head home, I felta tug on my jacket. I turned around andstanding there with a smile on his facewas the little boy. He said, “My heart ischanging colors. It is getting brighter and Ithink those bear hugs really do work.”

On my way home I felt my own heartand realized it, too, had changed to abrighter color.



I Like the Subtle Feeling

I like the subtle fresh green buddingfrom the branches of the tree-the herald ofspring, ushering in the dawn...

I like the subtle flow of cloud thatmakes the sky seem even more vast, azureand immense...

I like the subtle wind. In spring, itsteals a kiss on my cheek; in autumn, itcaresses my face; in summer, it brings incool sweet smell; in winter, it carries a crispchilliness...

I like the subtle taste of tea that lastlong after a sip. The subtle bitter is what itis meant to be...

I like the subtle friendship that doesnot hold people together. Instead, anoccasional greeting spreads our longings farbeyond...

I like the subtle longing for a friend,when I sink deeply in a couch, mindwandering in memories of the past...

Love should also be subtle, withoutenslaving the ones fallen into her arms.

Neither a bit less nor a bit more...

Subtle friendship is true; subtlegreetings are enough; subtle love is tender;subtle longing is deep; subtle wishes comefrom the bottom of your heart...



作为田纳西州莫里森市Panther Creek United卫理公会教堂很活跃的一员,卡伦的怀孕期进展正常。