
第14章 眼里有心,旖旎一路风景(7)


Thief or Treasurer

Once there was a thief and he waslooking for things to steal in a templewhere the Priest was giving a religiousspeech on the topic of truthfulness to manypeople. The thief was completely lost inthe true feeling of truthfulness. When theprogram was over everybody went homeexcept for the thief who was not ready toleave.

The thief wondered how a thiefcould become free from not speaking alie. The Priest gave deep advice to himthat by speaking truth also he woulddo his business. By using the virtueof truthfulness also he would remainsafe and secure no matter where hewas or what he stole. The thief firmlydetermined to follow the Priests advicein the practical life and promised tofollow the norm of truthfulness andhonesty from that day in all respects.

As making the promise not tospeak a lie in his life when the thiefwas going out from there, at the sametime, the King disguised in an ordinaryform was roaming there to look afterthe atmosphere of the capital city.

Coincidentally the thief met a personon the way in a roaming condition. Theroaming gentleman asked the thief whohe was. The thief recalled his promiseto always speak the truth, even thoughdifficult, he still revealed that he was athief.

The gentleman replied happily andexcitedly that he was also athief. These two men becamefriends by handshaking andhugging with each other.

The new thief suggestedthat they steal some veryvaluable things, and heknew exactly where to findthem. He took him in suchincognito way that both ofthem arrived in front of theGrand Royal Palace. As thesecurity personnel askedwho they were and wherethey were going, both ofthem replied that they weregoing into the palace tosteal diamonds. The securityguard did not know whythey were so angry withoutany cause.

The new thief friendtook him to a shelf in abeautiful big drawingroom. After breaking openthe safe, they found fivemost valuable diamonds.

They took four and left onediamond there in the openedsafe because they thoughtbreaking one diamond inhalf would be valueless.

Both of them went outwith two diamonds on theirhands just packed in thecloth for each. They againreturned in the same gateand went out with replyingthat they were thieves.

The next day as theroyal palace offices wereopened, they found theroyal treasure of the palacewas broken. The King thenordered the security guardsto arrest the thief, andbring him to the King. Afterbringing him in the palacethey presented the thiefbefore the King. The Kingcarefully observed him fromhis feet to head and said,“How many diamonds didyou steal?”

“We stole four; two foreach of us. Since we couldnot break the last one in half,we left one diamond in thesafe.” The King then askedto the treasurer, “How manydiamonds are missing?” “Allfive, Your Majesty. ”

The King immediatelyfired the treasurer andappointed the thief asthe new treasurer for hiscommitment to always beingtruthful.






Two Oaks

If you want to understand adversity, taketwo identical acorns from the same oak treeand plant them in two different locations.

Plant the first in the middle of a dense forest,and the other on a hill by itself.

Heres what will happen. The oakstanding on a hillside is exposed to everystorm and gale. As a result its roots plungedeep into the earth and spread in everydirection, even wrapping themselves aroundgiant boulders. At times it may seem the treeisnt growing fast enough-but the growthis happening underground. Its as if the rootsknow they must ported the tree from thethreatening elements.

What about the acorn plantedin the forest? It becomes a weak, frailsapling. And since it is protected byits neighbors, the little oak doesntsense the need to spread its roots forsupport.

Dont be afraid of adversity!

Welcome it! Thats your surefire routeto ultimate success.