
第5章 流年岁月,与你共赴夕阳(5)

Mamun did come to my roof one day totalk to me but I wanted him to go away. I didntwant anyone to see us talking. As you know, inBangladesh rumors go around so fast. When wetalked, I saw deep love in his eyes. I always smiledat him; I didnt talk to him much. Still, life wasgoing on so wonderfully. Mamun never told me heloved me. I thought that was because, I was five orsix years younger than him.

Very soon, I found out that I and my familyare leaving Bangladesh and coming to Canada.

I was devastated. I cried all night but there wasnothing to do. When Mamun found out, he askedme on the roof, if it was true. When I said yes, heasked how long I would be in Canada. The answerwas maybe forever, and we were going to settle inCanada. He looked depressed, all he said was “oh”,then I told him our flight date.

The next month, it was Ramadan again.

Mamun came to say goodbye to me on the roof,and he was leaving to spend his Eid with hisfamily. That day, I was so sad.

I felt like I lost something veryimportant in my life. We saidgoodbye to each other. He saidhe thinks I am such a sweet girl,and he hopes I have a great lifein Canada. Oh my god, I couldnthold myself; I think my eyesbecame watery. I didnt want himto see that I was crying. I said “youtoo” and tried to smile and left theroof right away.

That was the last day I eversaw my first love. Now four yearslater, here I am in Canada. I havea guy in my life now, whom I amdeeply love with after Mamun. Inever lose him.

I am over Mamun now.

Everytime I remember thosedays, looking at each other on theroof, talking, I feel really down. Iwonder where he is now, and if wewill even meet again…But I willnever forget my first love.



















Lucky Dress

I got an engagement ring for Christmas. My boyfriend andI had been dating for almost a year and both felt the time wasright to join our lives together in holy matrimony.

The month of January was spent planning our perfectAlabama June wedding. My mother, two sisters and I went toHuntsville, the closest town with aselection of bridal shops, to buy thegown that would play the leadingrole on my special occasion.

We had a wonderful time justbeing together and sharing silly jokes,but the day soon turned serious byafternoon: still no sign of the dress ofmy dreams. Both sisters were readyto give up and try another day inanother town, but I coerced theminto one more boutique.

I had a good feeling as weentered the quaint little shop filledwith the scent of fresh flowers. Theelderly clerk showed us severalbeautiful gowns in my size and theprice range, but none were right.

As I opened the door to leave, thedesperate shop owner announced shehad one more dress in the back thatwas expensive and not even my size,but perhaps I might want to look atit anyway. When she brought it out,I squealed in delight. This was it!

I rushed to the dressing roomand slipped it on. Even though it wasat least two sizes too large and morecostly than I had anticipated, I talkedMom into buying it. The shop wassmall, so it didnt offer alterations,but my excitement assured me Iwould be able to get it resized in myhometown.

Excitement wasnt enough. OnMonday morning, my world crumbled when thelocal sewing shop informed me the dress simplycould not be altered because of numerous hand-sewn pearls and sequins on the bodice. I calledthe boutique for suggestions but only got theiranswering machine.

A friend gave me the number of a lady acrosstown who worked at home doing alterations. Iwas desperate and willing to try anything, so Idecided to give her a call.

When I arrived at her modest white house onthe outskirts of town, she carefully inspected mydress and asked me to try it on. She put a handfulof pins into the shoulders and sides of my gownand told me to pick it up in two days. She was theanswer to my prayers.

When the time came to pick it up, however,I grew skeptical. How could I have been sofoolish as to just leave a 1, 200 wedding dress inthe hands of someone I barely knew?

What if she made a mess out of it? Ihad no idea if she could even sew on abutton.

Thank goodness my fears wereall for naught. The dress still lookedexactly the same, but it now fit as ifit had been made especially for me. Ithanked the cheerful lady and paid hermodest fee.

One small problem solved just intime for a bigger one to emerge. OnValentines Day, my fiance called.

“Sandy, Ive come to the decisionthat Im not ready to get married,” heannounced, none too gently. “I wantto travel and experience life for a fewyears before settling down.”

He apologized for the inconvenienceof leaving all the wedding cancellationsto me and then quickly left town.

My world turned upside down.

I was angry and heartbroken and hadno idea how to recover. But days flewinto weeks and weeks blended intomonths. I survived.