
第1章 早安和梦想一起醒来(1)

To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower.

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.



A Fish of the World


A herring once decided toswim right around the world. “I’mtired of the North Sea,” he said. “Iwant to find out what else there isin the world.” So he swam off southinto the deep Atlantic. Once he wasnearly eaten by a shark. And oncehe was nearly electrocuted by anelectric eel. And once he was nearlystung by a stingray.

But he swam on and on. Roundthe tip of Africa and into the IndianOcean,and he passed by devilfish andsailfish and sawfish and swordfish and bluefish and blackfish and mudfish and some fish,andhe was amazed by the different shapes and sizes and colors. On he swam into the Java Sea.

And he saw fish that leapt out of the water and fish that lived on the bottom of the sea andfish that could walk on their fins. And on he swam through the Coral Sea where the shells ofmillions and millions of tiny creatures had turned to rock and stood as big as mountains.

But still he swam on into the wide Pacific. He swam over the deepest parts of the oceanwhere the water was so deep that it was inky black at the bottom and the fish carried lanterns002 不畏将来,不念过往over their heads and some had lights on their tails. And through the Pacific he swam and thenhe turned north and headed up to the cold Siberian Sea where huge white icebergs sailed pasthim like mighty ships,and still he swam on and on and into the frozen Arctic Ocean wherethe sea was forever covered in ice. And on he went past Greenland and Iceland and finally heswam home into his own North Sea.

All his friends and relations gathered around and made a great fuss of him. They had abig feast and offered him the very best food they could find,but the herring just yawned andsaid,“I’ve swum around the entire world. I’ve seen everything there is to see and I have eatenmore exotic and wonderful dishes than you could possibly imagine.” And he refused to eatanything. Then his friends and relations begged him to come home and live with them. But herefused. “I’ve been everywhere there is and that old rock is too dull and small for me.” And hewent off and lived on his own.

And when the breeding season came,he refused to join in the spawning,saying,“I’veswum around the entire world. And now I know how many fish there are in the world. I can’tbe interested in herrings anymore.”

Eventually,one of the oldest of the herrings swam up to him and said,“Listen,if youdon’t spawn with us,some herrings eggs will go unfertilized and will not turn into healthyyoung herrings. If you don’t live with your family,you’ll make them sad and if you don’t eat,you’ll die.”

But the herring said,“I don’t mind. I’ve been everywhere there is to go,I’ve seeneverything there is to see,and now I know everything there is toknow.”

The old fish shook his head. “No one has everseen everything there is to see,” he said. “Norknown everything there is to know.”

“Look,” said the herring,“I’veswum through the North Sea,theAtlantic Ocean,the Indian Ocean,the Java Sea,the Coral Sea,the GreatPacific Ocean,the Siberian Sea,andthe frozen Arctic. Tell me,what else早安,和梦想一起醒来 003is there for me to see or know?”

“I don’t know,” said the old herring.

“But there may be something.”

Well just then,a fishing boat came by,and all the herrings were caught in a net andtaken to market that very day. And a manbought the herring and ate it for his supper,and he never knew that it had swum rightaround the world and had seen everythingthere was to see,and knew everything therewas to know.







他仍继续向前,向宽广的太平洋游去。当游至大洋的最深处时,那儿的水是那么深,到处是漆黑一片。这里的鱼,有些头顶“灯笼”,有些尾部“点灯”。他游过了太平洋,然后游向北方,向着寒冷的西伯利亚海域游去,在那里从他身旁经过的巨大的白色冰山就像巨大的航船一样。他继续向前游,进入了冰冻的北冰洋,那里的海面终年结冰。他又游过格陵004 不畏将来,不念过往兰岛和冰岛,最后游回了老家-北海。










1.rest room 厕所

2.busybody 爱管闲事的人

3.busboy 餐馆勤杂工

4.dry goods (美)纺织品,(英)谷物

5.heartman 换心人

6.mad doctor 精神病科医生

7.eleventh hour 最后时刻

8.blind date 男女初次会面(由第三者安排的)

9.personal remark 人身攻击

10.sweet water 淡水

11.confidence man 骗子

12.criminal lawyer 刑事律师

13.service station 加油站

14.dressing room 化妆室

15.horse sense 常识

16.capital idea 好主意

17.familiar talk 庸俗的交谈

18.blue stocking 女学者、女才子

19.black art 妖术

20.Chinese dragon 麒麟

Sleeping through the Storm


It was spring,in westernAmerica,the weather was gettingwarmer. There was a young manwho went out to find a job on afarm. He came to a small farm,which belonged to an old farmerand his wife. He told the farmerhe wanted to apply for a job as afarmhand. When the farmer askedfor his qualifications,“What canyou do,boy?” The young man said,“I can sleep when the wind blows.”

This answer quite puzzled thefarmer and his wife. But he looked honest and reliable,so the couple liking the young mandecided to hire him.

Two months passed and the young man had worked well on the farm,nothing unusual.

One night,the farmer and his wife were awakened by a violent storm. They quickly beganto check things out to see if all was secure. They found that the shutters of the farmhouse hadbeen securely fastened. A good supply of logs had been set next to the fireplace.