
第12章 晚安永远美好的明天(2)




campus belle 校花

campus beau 校草

new-new generation 新新人类

flash marriage 闪婚

trendsetter 潮人

guru 专家

3S lady (single,seventies,stuck)剩女

couples dress 情侣装

big gun 大人物

rookie 菜鸟

offbeat 另类

fancier 发烧友

relax/calm down 淡定

flesh search 人肉搜索

BRIC countries 金砖四国

farewell dinner 散伙饭

flat-share 合租

homebody/shut-in 宅男宅女

go ballistic 暴走

A Mistake


Since I have been in my newneighborhood,I have had thepleasure of meeting a few of myneighbors who seem to be extremelynice people. For Christmas,Ithought I would do somethingnice for each of the neighbors thatI know. I sat down and counted.

There were nine neighbors whomI knew by name or spoke with oftenwhen I was out in my yard. I also knewwhich houses they lived in.

I decided to add one more person to my list for a total of ten. I decided to add the ladyI met every morning walking to work as I drive down the street. She always managed acontagious smile and a hearty wave. I had no idea what her name was and not even surewhich house she lived in.

My gift idea was to make small fruit baskets and leave them on each of my neighbor’sfront porches or door steps the night of Christmas Eve. I signed the cards: “Happy Holidays!

From 5104 Northumberland Road.”

I saved the friendly lady for last,since I was still not exactly sure where she lived. Ifinally decided upon a house down aboutwhere I met her each morning and feltrelatively sure that it was hers.

My neighbors really appreciated thebaskets and would tell me as they saw mein the yard or they would call,and a coupleeven came by to thank me.

This morning on my way to work,Iplaced my mail in the mailbox and noticed asmall note inside. It was addressed simply-Resident,5104 Northumberland Road.

I opened the envelope and took out aThank You card. I opened the card and readthe message which really caught me bysurprise.

The card said. “Thank you for the lovelyfruit basket you left on the porch of RichardKelly. It was very thoughtful. Richard Kellypassed away on January 19. He neverstopped talking about how nice it was thatsomeone remembered him in his time ofillness. He really appreciated it.”

I was sincerely stunned. I had no ideawho Richard Kelly was or that he had beengravely ill. I had left that nice lady’s basketon Mr. Kelly’s porch by accident. I wantedto say by mistake,but that would be wrong.

I believe that Richard Kelly was meant tohave that basket and the Lord knew that heonly had less than a month to live. I hate thatthe nice lady did not get to receive a fruitbasket from me this Christmas,but I believethat if she knew what happened,she wouldhave had outcome no other way.

I feel blessed to have helped RichardKelly’s last days be more cheerful. This justfurther reinforces my belief that there arenever any mistakes in life-just detours,shortcuts along the way.


殷明 译


我打算再在我的清单上加上一个人,凑成10个整数。我决定加上一位女士,我每天开车驶下街道时都会看见她步行去上班。她总是投来极富感染力的微笑和由衷064 不畏将来,不念过往的招手问候。我不知道她的名字,对她的住址也一无所知。






卡片上写道: “ 感谢你放在理查德·凯利门廊上的可爱的水果篮。礼物非常贴心。理查德·凯利已于1月19日去世,他生前不停地说,在他大病期间仍有人记得他多么温暖人心,他万分感激。”







1. Walk daily 每天散步

2. Wake early 早起

3. Eat less 少吃

4. Stop watching,start doing 不做旁观者

5. Go slowly 放慢脚步

6. Declutter 整理

7. Drink water 喝水

8. Meditate 冥想

9. Let go of expectations 不预期

10. Live in the moment 活在当下

Dusk-the Magic Hour


By E.S. Hill

I remember a day when I wasvery small,and my mother tookme to a fair,and I got lost. Aftersearching without finding her,I set out for home by myself. Iwalked up one road,down another,expecting to stumble on somethingrecognizable. But everywhere theunfamiliar houses seemed unfriendlyand forbidding. Afraid to knock on anydoor,I crept close to a tree in an empty cornerlot and fell into the sleep of exhaustion.

At dusk I awakened. The first of night was seeping into the neighborhood,shadow byshadow. A pale wash of sunset pinked chimneys and rooftops. As I watched,the sky darkenedto the deep,translucent blue of almost-evening,and a brilliant first star appeared-my ownreliable wishing star,right where it belonged.

Suddenly my world was righted. This was the magic time when wishes were madeand faces washed,when daddies appeared and babies had baths-a friendly time. Withouthesitation,I ran to the nearest door and banged on it. Within an hour I was safely home.

My parents asked why I had waitedso long to seek help. I could not explain.

I cannot now,except to say that theenchantment of dusk is still upon me,stillsmoothes away my fears and lifts myspirit. I dare more at dusk.

The lights come on,for onething-the companionable lights.

Have you ever walked home on a late winterafternoon,under a leaden sky in a steady snowfall,and been surprisedby the silent coming-on of street lights? All in a moment,they line the road like transformingangels,their frosty halos sparkling,and you go the rest of the way guarded and at peace.

Dusk is for homecoming,a wonderfully hollow-and-hungry-for-dinner hour. Telling ofhis boyhood in a small English village,Laurie Lee writes exuberantly,“The day was over andwe had used it,running errands or prowling the fields. We returned to the kitchen,back to itssmoky comfort. Every stone in the path as I ran down home shook my bones with arrivingjoy.”