
第19章 晚安永远美好的明天(9)

Prior to Holly’s birthday,Susan had been a regular visitor in our home. The girls did theirhomework together and went to bed at a reasonable hour. Now I realized it had been nearlythree weeks since we’d even heard mention of Susan’s name. I missed her warm smile andeager-to-please ways.

A rustle at the front door told me Holly had arrived home from school. “Susan invited meto come over to her house after school tomorrow,” she announced as she plunked her booksdown on the kitchen table. Although her voice carried a so-what attitude,I sensed she waspleased by the invitation.

“She wants you to come,too,so you can meet her foster mom.” The words “foster mom”

dangled in the air like a spent birthday balloon. Susan never talked about her home life,andwe didn’t find it necessary to pry.

Arrangements were made. As I negotiated the winding country road that led to her house,Susan babbled nervously about her foster mom and the seventeen cats she had taken in andcared for with Susan’s help. Several of these foster kitties scattered as we pulled into thegravel driveway.

A tall angular woman stood in the doorway to greet us as we approached the smallfarmhouse. “Excuse the mess,” she apologized while we threaded our way through stuff thatseemed to be everywhere.

Susan ushered us throughthe house. It seemed to be alivewith four-legged fur balls roamingunderfoot and sprawling across thebacks of the dingy sofa and chairs.

She proudly showed us her room,which was sparsely but neat. Atarnished picture frame sitting ona crate beside the bed containedpictures of Susan’s parents andsiblings from whom,we laterlearned,she had long since beenseparated.

I followed Susan’s foster mominto the kitchen. After clearinga small area Her hand trembledslightly as she poured us each a cupof steaming black coffee. She beganto relax as we sipped our coffee andchatted about her cats.

A warm glow shone in her eyesas she revealed to me her fondnessfor Susan. But her expressionturned pensive when she referredto the girl’s past. In a short time,I came to respect this generousheartedwoman who had opened herhome to a young girl and attemptedto make a difference in her life.

Holly sat quietly in the car onthe way home. Stealing a glance,I noticed her back was ramrodstraight.

No sooner had we cometo a stop in the driveway thanshe flung open the car door andwalked purposefully toward theside gate. Curious,I shifted intopark and followed. A lump caughtin my throat as I observed mydaughter standing next to the trashcan peering inside. Her shouldersslumped as she shuffled into thehouse.

After pulling the car into thegarage,I went inside and headedfor the hall closet. By this time,Holly was sitting at the kitchentable staring out the window.

“Is this what you were lookingfor?” I placed the piece of carpet onthe table in front of her.

“Thanks,Mom.” A tear or twoslipped from her eye and splashedonto the dark blue remnant that,asif by magic,had become the mostprecious birthday present in thewhole world.

殷明 译





















Teach a fish how to swim.


作为一种本能,鱼儿天生就是会游泳的,完全适应水底生活。如果有人想教鱼儿“how toswim”,这和在鲁班门前卖弄使斧头的功夫,在孔老夫子面前卖弄写文章的本领又有什么差异呢?因此,“teach a fish how to swim ”的含义就是“班门弄斧”,“在孔夫子面前卖文章”。

英语中类似的表达还有:teach a dog to chase rabbits;teach the Pope how to pray;useChinese maxims in front of Confucius.