
第24章 青春不老,理想不死(11)

My party, the National Leaguefor Democracy, and I stand readyand willing to play any role in theprocess of national reconciliation. Thereform measures that were put intomotion by President U Thein Seinsgovernment can be sustained onlywith the intelligent cooperation of allinternal forces: the military, our ethnicnationalities, political parties, the media,civil society organizations, the businesscommunity and, most important of all,the general public. We can say thatreform is effective only if the lives ofthe people are improved and in thisregard, the international community hasa vital role to play. Development andhumanitarian aid, bi-lateral agreementsand investments should be coordinatedand calibrated to ensure that thesewill promote social, political andeconomic growth that is balanced andsustainable. The potential of our countryis enormous. This should be nurturedand developed to create not just a moreprosperous but also a more harmonious,democratic society where our peoplecan live in peace, security and freedom.


The peace of our world is indivisible. Aslong as negative forces are getting the betterof positive forces anywhere, we are all at risk. It may be questioned whether all negative forcescould ever be removed. The simple answer is:“No!” It is in human nature to contain both thepositive and the negative. However, it is alsowithin human capability to work to reinforcethe positive and to minimize or neutralize thenegative. Absolute peace in our world is anunattainable goal. But it is one towards whichwe must continue to journey, our eyes fixed onit as a traveller in a desert fixes his eyes on theone guiding star that will lead him to salvation. Even if we do not achieve perfect peace onearth, because perfect peace is not of this earth,common endeavours to gain peace will uniteindividuals and nations in trust and friendshipand help to make our human community saferand kinder.


I used the word “kinder” aftercareful deliberation; I might say thecareful deliberation of many years. Ofthe sweets of adversity, and let me saythat these are not numerous, I havefound the sweetest, the most preciousof all, is the lesson I learnt on the valueof kindness. Every kindness I received,small or big, convinced me that therecould never be enough of it in ourworld. To be kind is to respond withsensitivity and human warmth to thehopes and needs of others. Even thebriefest touch of kindness can lightena heavy heart. Kindness can changethe lives of people. Norway has shownexemplary kindness in providing a homefor the displaced of the earth, offeringsanctuary to those who have been cutloose from the moorings of security andfreedom in their native lands.
