
第9章 告别过去,重新开始(2)

Just one of the possibilities in ourbrave new world, the world you nowinherit whether youd like it or not. The jigis up. The clock has run out and the futurewith a capital “F” now rests with all of youall because you went to Yale. You are nowthe anointed, the charge holders, the bestand brightest. Each of you is a shining hopefor our nation in the world. You are thenew wizards who can finally make senseof all the delta vectors and square rootsand divided bys out there that we call thehuman race. The generations before youcame of age took on the job and now itsyour turn.

On spring days like today, itstraditional for us to ponder the state of theworld and implore you all to help makeit a better place which implies that thingsare somehow worse today than they werewhen we were sitting where you are rightnow. Im not so sure the planet earth is inworse shape than it was 30, no 18, no fouryears ago. Thats not to say its in bettershape either. Refraining from waxingnostalgic and comparing our then to 4now and avoiding any talk of “You kidsthese days with your rap and your hip-hop in and your snoopy dog daddies withthe diddy pops, with your fiddy cents andyour quarter cents…” That sober lookshows that just as world has gotten to be a better place after all, and has alsogrown a bit worse at the exactsame rate. A one step up and onestep back, sort of cosmic balancebetween forward progress andcultural retreat that puts mankindon the bell curve of existence. That shows a small segment injoy, ease and comfort while anequal portion struggle on withlittle hope in the fortunes of theremainder, either on the rise or onthe wane in this confounding tideof so many damn things that wegrow oblivious to the shifts in thequality of our lives.



Now some advantagesparticular to this age are not to bedenied. Boredom seems to havebeen vanquished. There is alwayssomething to do, but hasntthis translated into a perpetualdistraction in our lives, in thebathroom, at the dinner table,in the back seat, at a wedding,at a graduation day? Theresalways something to check,something to tweet, something towatch, something to download,something to share, something to buy, someone on a voice mail, something to yankat our attention span and its all in the palm of ourhand for a small monthly service fee. That sametechnology has allowed for a surplus of celebritiesand that is nothing to cheer about. Anyone canenjoy the perks of notoriety now and the durationof fame has been lengthened from Andy Warholsbrief 15 minutes to a good 15 months if yourewilling to do certain things on camera.


Your work begins, work that will not bealways joyful to you, labor that may not alwaysfulfill you and days that will seem like one damnthing after the other. Its true you will now workevery day for the rest of your lives, that full-time job, your career as human beings and asAmericans and as graduates of Yale is to stand onthe fulcrum between fear and faith, fear at yourback, faith in front of you. Which way will youlean? Which way will you move? Move forward,ever forward and tweet out a picture of the results. It may make you as famous as Sam Tsui.

Thank you and congratulations.



Mrs. Thatchers Farewell Speech


[玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔 / Margaret Hilda Thatcher]

Government apart, the strength of acivilized nation depends on the natural authorityof the family, the school, the church and ourgreat institutions. Who is to answer the childcrying for help? Who is to protect the elderlycouple? Who can win back the youngsterhooked on drugs? Police, social workers, thevoluntary organizations all must do respond. Butthat is not enough. We are the neighbours of thatchild, of that elderly couple, of that youngster. Upholding the law cant be left to the police andthe courts alone. We are all involved. We cannot pass by on the other side.

Come with us then towards the next decade. Let us together set our sights on a Britain thatthree out of four families own their homes, thatowning shares is as common as having a car,where families have a degree of independencetheir forefathers could only dream about: aBritain where there is a resurgence of enterprise,of more people self-employed, more businessesand therefore more jobs; a Britain where thereis a standard health care far better than anythingwe have ever known.



Yes! We have set our sights high, but these goalsare within our reach. Let us ensure that well bringthem within our grasp.

Yes! This government has increased the numbersof police and we will increase them still further.