

3.Her grandpa had horses,and cows,and pigs,and sheep,and so many chickens,that Mary could not count them all;and though she liked them all pretty well,she liked best the little lamb that was in the pen by the house.

4.Mary was so sorry for this little lamb!and I think this was one reason she liked it so much,and took such good care of it;for the lamb had no mamma!

5.Many times Mary told the lamb how sorry she was,andsaid,Poor lamb!how sad it is to have no mamma!

6.And then again she said,Cheer up,little lamb.I will feed you,and make you a nice little bed,and no body shall hurt you;and I will be as good a mamma to you as I can.

7.The lamb soon became so gentle that Mary took it out of the pen,and let it run in the yard and nip the grass.

8.When the lamb saw Mary in the yard it would run up to her,and follow her about like a little dog.

9.Sometimes it would follow her into the house;and often,as Mary sat on the porch reading in her little red book,the lamb would come and lie on the rug by her chair.

10.One day her grandpa asked her why the lamb loved her so much.O,I love the lamb,you know,said Mary,and I suppose that is why the lamb loves me.

11.Grandpa saw that Mary was right,and he said to himself,I must give this lamb to Mary;but he did not tell Mary so.


1.在炎热的六月,那时很多漂亮的花儿盛开,鸟儿甜美地歌唱,小玛丽o 丹尼尔斯去看望她的爷爷,他住在纽约北部的一个农场里。












1.The time had now come for Mary to go home,and the horses and wagon were at the door.Mary said she must go and bid the lamb good-by.

2.When the lamb saw Mary,it ran to her as fast as it could.

3.But,hark!Ting-a-ling,ting-a-ling,ting-ting-ting!went a little bell,all the time the lamb ran.

4.As it came up to Mary she saw the bell was on the lamb’sneck.

5.Who put the bell on your neek,said Mary.It must be that grandpa did it,so that you will not be lonesome when I am gone.But how lonesome will little Mary be!

6.Dear little lamb!good-by;and Mary put her arms around the lamb‘s neck for a good hug.

7.Just then she thought she saw some words cut on the bell.She took the bell in her hand and looked again.

8.What could it mean?But there it was,cut in the bell,Mary’s Little Lamb.

9.But before Mary had time to think,her grandpa,who had seen it all,said,10.Yes,Mary‘s Little Lamb;and it shall go home with you,and be your little lamb all the time.

11.Mary ran right to her grandpa,and thanked him and kissed him,and told him she was so glad,and said that she would always love the lamb and grandpa too.

12.The lamb,you may be sure,thanked grandpa too,as well as it knew how.

13.When Mary got home,she made a bed on the back porch for her little lamb;and there it slept every night,under Mary’s own bed-room window.

14.Its wool was kept very clean.Mary called the lamb Snow,because it was so white.

15.Snow was fond of play,and when Mary came home from school at night she would play with it,and the lamb would run after her all about the yard and fields.

16.One morning,after Mary had started for school,the lambthought it would go to school too;so on it went just behind her.

17.Mary had hardly taken her seat,when in came the lamb and looked all about for her.

18.See!there it goes across the floor!It sees Mary,and is going to her.

19.The children are much pleased,and laugh to see the “newscholar,”as they call the lamb.

20.The teacher did not like to have the lamb in school,so heturned it out of the house.

21.But the little lamb would not go home.It waited till the school was out,and then ran home with Mary.

22.In the following is some poetry about Mary and her lamb.I hope you will learn it,and remember that not only lambs,but every body,can be made to love you by kindness.

23.Mary had a little lamb,

Its fleece was white as snow;And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.

24.It followed her to school one day-That was against the rule;It made the children laugh and play To see the lamb at school.

25.And so the teacher turned it out;But still it lingered near,And on the grass it fed about,Till Mary did appear.

26.And then to her it ran,and laid Its head upon her arm,As if to say-I‘m not afraid-You’ll shield me from all harm.

27.What makes the lamb love Mary so?

The little children cry;

O!Mary loves the lamb,you know,

The teacher did reply.

28.As Mary‘s lamb to her was bound

By love and kindness true,

So you,my child,will ever find Love binds all hearts to you.























