

Make the mighty ages Of eternity.

3.Thus our little errors Lead the soul away

From the path of virtue

Oft in sin to stray.

4.Little deeds of kindness,

Little words of love,

Make our earth an Eden,

Like the heaven above.









1.Mother.-Charlie,why do you not let Willie ride on your rocking-horse this afternoon?He has none,you know,and he would enjoy it so much.

2.Charles.-Because,mother,I want to ride,myself.

3.M.-But another day,when he is not here,will do for youjust as well.I am sorry my little boy is so selfish.

4.C.-Do you think I am selfish,mother?

5.M.-Not always;but this is selfish.

6.C.-What do you mean by selfish?Is not this my rocking-horse?and have I not a right to use it?

7.M.-I mean that you love to please yourself more than you love to please others.

8.The rocking-horse is yours,to be sure,and you have a right to use it;but when your friends come to see you,you should do all you can to please them and make them happy.

9.If you were to visit your cousin Willie,you would wanthim to let you play with his new toys,would you not?

10.C.-Yes,mother;and he always does let me play with them.The last time I was there he let me use his new wagon,and he used his old wheel-barrow.And we had glorious fun,drawing sand.

ll.M.-Now,my son,suppose Willie had wanted the new wagon all the time,should you have been as happy with the old wheel-barrow?

12.C.-No,indeed,for I have a wheel-barrow,just like it,and I have played with it so many times that I am tired of it?

13.M.-Then you would have thought him selfish if he had not let you play with the new wagon;and what will he think of you,if you do not let him play with your new rocking-horse?Is this doing as you would be done by?

14.Charlie stood a moment,as if getting a new idea.Soon the tears came into his eyes,and he said,O,mother!I was a bad boy!Won’t you forgive me?

15.Soon after,I went into the play-room,and found thechildren very happy.

16.Willie was riding the rocking-horse at the top of his speed-going after the rebels,he said.

17.Charlie was swinging his hat and urging him on,for,said he,I am afraid,if he does not ride a little faster,he will not catch them!

18.How easy it is to be happy,and to make others so!






















1.I suppose all my little readers have seen a monkey.Sometimes men put coats and trousers on them,and then they look much like little boys.

2.A monkey likes to climb,and he can run up a tree as quick as a cat can.They are great imitators,too,and try to do what they see done.

3.It is said they like nothing so much as mischief.I do notknow how that is,but I know they very often seem to like it.

4.I once heard of a monkey that took a very little baby out of its cradle,and ran up on top of the house with it.The baby‘s mother was very much frightened,and tried to get to it,but she could not.

5.Then she tried to call the monkey down,but he only laughed at her.O!what could the poor mother do!

6.She went off for some men to come and get her baby;but when she came back,her baby was all covered nicely,and asleep in the cradle!and the monkey was jumping about the room,as if he thought he had done something smart.

7.Soon after,this monkey saw some boys go into a school-house.I should like to know what is going on there,he said to himself.I think I will just go in and see.And in he went and sat down on a seat as the boys did.

8.When they took up their books,he took up one too,and heturned over the leaves as he saw that they did.

9.Soon the children began to laugh;and the monkey,thinking,no doubt,that this was part of the play,began to grin and chatter.

10.One boy then threw something at him,and the monkey threw it back.Then one of the boys pulled his tail,and the monkey in return pulled the boy’s hair till he screamed for help.

11.Just at this moment the teacher came in and took the monkey off.Some of the boys cried out,Beat him;some,Killhim.