



1.I will tell you about a little girl who teased her mother to let her sew patchwork.Did you ever know a little girl who did so?

2.Then when the squares were basted together,she broke needles,and pricked her fingers,and made a great fuss,and sometimes cried,and wished there was no such thing as patchwork.Did you ever know of a little girl like this?

3.I will just tell you how she acted,one morning,when she was doing her work.She kept running to her mother with every stitch,saying,“Will that do?”Now her mother was very busy,and said,“My little daughter must not come to me.”

4.So Prudy sat down near the door,and began to sew with all her might.But soon little Totty came along,and she looked so cunning that Prudy dropped her needle,and went to hugging her.

5.“O,little sister,”said she,“I would not have a horse come and eat you up,for any thing in the world!”Prudy could not find her needle again,and,of course,her mother had to get her another,and then thread it for her.

6.She sewed for a few moments,till she pricked her finger,and the sight of a wee drop of blood made her cry-“O,dear!-I wish somebody would pity me!”

7.But her mother was so busy frying doughnuts,that she could not stop for any thing;and the next she saw of Prudy,she was at the farther end of the room,while her patchwork lay on the spice-box.

8.“Prudy!Prudy!what are you up to now?”“Up to the table,”said Prudy.“O mother,I am so sorry,but I have broken a crack in the pitcher!”

9.“What will mother do with you?you have not finishedyour work.What made you get out of your chair?”

10.“O,I thought grandma might want me.I thought I would go and find Zip,too.See,mamma,he is so tickled to see me;he shakes all over-every bit of him!”

11.“Where is your patchwork?”said her mother.“I don’t know.You have got a double name,haven‘t you,dooggie?It is Zip Coon;but it is not a very double name is it,mother?”

12.When Mrs.Parlin had finished her doughnuts,she said,“Prudy,you can not keeps t i l l t w o m i n u t e s ,N o w,i f y o u w a n t t o s e w t h i s patchwork for grandma’s quilt,I will tell you what I shall do.

13.”There is an empty hogshead by the kitchen door,and I will put you into that,and you can not climb out.I will lift you out whenyour work is done.“14.”Oh,what a funny little house!“said Prudy,when she was inside;and as she spoke her voice startled her;it was loud and hollow.“I will talk some more,”thought she;“it makes such a queer noise.”

15.“Old Mrs.Hogshead,I thought I would come and see you,and bring my work.I like your house,ma‘am,only I should think you would want more windows.I suppose you know who I am,Mrs.Hogshead?

16.”My name is Prudy.My mother did not put me in here because I was a naughty girl;for I have not done nothing,nor nothing,nor nothing.Do you want to hear some singing?

17.’O,come,come away,From labor now reposing,Let busy Caro,wife of Barrow,Come,come away.‘“18.”Prudy,what is the matter?“said mamma from the cook-room.“Didn’t you hear somebody singing?”said Prudy.“Well,it was I.”“I would not sing;you cannot sew,if you do.”

19“Then I will stop,”said Prudy.“Now,Mrs.Hogshead,you won‘t hear me singing any more;it mortifies my mother very much!”

20.So Prudy made her fingers fly,and soon said,“Now,mother,it is done,and I am ready to be taken out.”Just then her father came in from the field.

21.“Prudy is in the hogshead,”said Mrs.Parlin-“will younot please take her out,father?”

22.Mr.Parlin peeped into the hogshead.“How in this world did you get in here,child?”said he.“I think I shall have to takeyou out with a pair of tongs.”Prudy laughed.

23.“Give me your hands,my children.Up she comes!Now come and sit on my knee,”said he,when they had gone to the porch “and tell me how you climbed into that hogshead!”

24.“Mother dropped me in,and I am going to stay there till I make a bedquilt,only I am coming out to eat,you know.”

25.“Ha!ha!-and this is your patchwork that you have squeezed up in your hand so tight?”

26.“Dinner is ready,”said Mrs.Parlin,coming to the door,with the baby in her arms.“Totty wants to lead you in,papa.”

27.Then they all went to the table,and Prudy was so busy with her green corn and currant pie,that she forgot all about the patchwork.











11.“你做的补丁在哪里?”妈妈问道。“我不知道。小狗狗,你有两个名字对不对?还有一个名字就是吉普o 库恩;但他不只是这两个名字,对吧妈妈?”










