

5.Father.Yes,a tool,or a kind of instrument;but we may as well call it a tool.

6.Edwin.What is the name of it,and what is it for?Is it anew invention?

7.Father.No,it is not a new invention.It has been in use for many years,I believe.It is used for very many purposes,and that is what makes it so wonderful.

8.One that is skilled in its use can do almost any thing withit.We might very properly call it the Universal Tool.

9.Edwin.What can you do with it?

10.Father.It can be used for a paddle,a mallet,a thimble,and a basket.

11.Edwin.O,father,you are only making fun of me!

12.Father.No,my son,it is really so.I should hardly have believed it myself if I had not seen it put to these uses.

13.Edwin.I do not see how it is possible that the same thing can be used for a mallet and a thimble.

14.Father.But it is;and I have seen it used for more curiouspurposes still.

15.Edwin.What were they,father?

16.Father.I have seen it used for a brush,a press,a dipper,aspinning machine,a pair of scales,a dibble-17.Edwin.A dibble?What is that,father?

18.Father.A dibble is a small pointed stick,used to make holes in the ground.

19.Edwin.And can you use this tool for a dibble?

20.Father.Yes,and for a pair of tongs,and for a stopper,and it does pretty well for a corkscrew,too.

21.Edwin.What a tool!What a wonderful invention!I daresay it costs a great deal of money.

22.Father.No,not so very much.

23.Edwin.O,I wish you had brought one home with you.

24.Father.I did,and to-morrow I will show you how it can be used.If you will learn to use it well,you shall have one,and you will find it a very valuable tool.

25.Edwin.But,father,may I not see it to-night?

26.Father.Yes,my son,you may see it now.Here it is,-27.And he held out his-HAND!

28.Edwin was a little disappointed,though he could not help laughing,and he said,“I never thought my hand was such a wonderful tool before.”






























1.A little boy by the name of James,who had never heard anecho,was out in the yard,near the barn,playing on the grass.

2.“Ho,hop!”cried he as he gave a spring;and then helooked up to see who had come.

3.For he thought he heard someone cry out,just as he jumped,“Ho,hop!”very much as he did.

4.But as he could see no one,he concluded he was mistaken,and he went on with his play.

5.“Ho,hop!”cried he again,and was about to spring,when he was sure he heard someone say,“Ho,hop!”

6.He looked about,but could see no one,and he said,“Someone must be in the barn.”

7.And he called out,“Who is in the barn?”“Who is in the barn?”said someone,but not in so loud a voice as he had said it.

8.James went into the barn to see who it was,but he could find no one,and he went back to play,wondering who was looking at him.

9.“Halloo,there!”said he,as his feet slipped,when he wentto jump,and let him fall on the grass.

10.“Halloo,there!”said some one back again.

11.“Who are you?”cried James,a little provoked.

12.“Who are you?”was all the reply he could get;and James thought he was a mean fellow,whoever he was,and he said so,too.

13.“You are a mean fellow,”said James.

14.“mean fellow,”said the unknown boy;and James beganto get a little angry.

15.“Come out here,and I‘ll show you.”

16.But he would not come,but sent back to James thewords,“I’ll show you.”

17.This was too much for James to stand.

18.“Come out here,and I‘ll beat you,”said James in anger.

19.“I’ll beat you,”was said back,but nobody would comeout.

20.“I dare you,”said James.21.“dare you,”said he.

22.“You are a coward,”said James.

23.“coward,”said he.

24.James could not stand it any longer,and he went into the house,crying and very angry,and told his mother what a mean boy there was in the barn,but that he could not find him.

25.“What has the boy been doing?“asked his mother.

26.”He has been calling me hard names,and he talked verymean to me.“27.”Did my son call him hard names,too?“

28.”Well,mother,I could not help it,he was so provoking.“29.”Let us go out and see what we can do,“said his mother;and she took James by the hand and led him back.“I will speak to him,”said she.

30.And she called in a loud voice,“My son!”

31.Sure enough,the same words came back,but they were so pleasant.

32.“James!”called his mother again,in just as loud a voice,and the answer was,“James.”

33.“Now,James,you may speak;”and James said,“Halloo!”and “Halloo”was,the answer.

34.“Do you not see that just what we say is said back,and itis said in the same tone,too?

35.”If you speak in a loud,angry tone,a loud,angry tonecomes back.

36.“There is no one in the barn,my son.What you hear isonly the echo of what you say.

37.”The barn reflects your words,just as the glass reflectsyour features.

38.“If you had given kind words,kind words would havebeen returned.

39.”There is a lesson,my son,that this may teach you.It is this:AS WE TREAT OTHERS,SO THEY WILL TREAT US.

40.“If we treat others well,they will treat us well;but if weare rough and unkind to others,we must expect that others willbe rough and unkind to us.”
