

3.“Try it once,”replied Herbert.“Treat Fritz kindly,and I am certain he will feel so ashamed and unhappy,that he would far rather have you kick or beat him.”

4.Joe was not really such a bad boy at heart,but he was now in a very ill-temper,and he said,sullenly,“But you’ve told me a story,cousin Herbert.You said this kind of coals would burn,and they can‘t at all.”

5.“You are mistaken about that,”said his cousin,cheerily.“I have known such coals to burn up a great amount of rubbish-malice,envy,ill-feeling,revenge,and I don’t know how much more-and then leave some very cold hearts feeling as warm and pleasant as possible.”

6.Joe drew a long sigh.“Well,tell me a good coal to put onFritz‘s head,and I’ll see about it.”

7.“You know,”said cousin Herbert,smiling,“that Fritz is very poor,and can seldom buy himself a book,although he is very fond of reading;but you have quite a library.

8.”Now,suppose-ah!well,I won‘t suppose anything about it.I’ll just leave you to think over the matter,and find your own coal;and be sure and kindle it with love,for no other fire burns so brightly and so long;“and with a cheery whistle,cousin Herbert sprang over the fence and was gone.

9.Before Joe had time to collect his thoughts,he saw Fritz coming down the lane,carrying a basket of eggs in one hand and a pail of milk in the other.

10.For one minute the thought crossed Joe‘s mind,“What a grand smash it would have been if Fritz had fallen over the string!”and then again he blushed to the eyes,and was glad enough that the string was safe in his pocket.

11.Fritz started,and looked very uncomfortable,when he first caught sight of Joe,but the boy began abruptly,“Fritz,do you have much time to read now?”

12.“Sometimes,”said Fritz,“when I’ve driven the cows home,and done all my chores,I have a little piece of daylight left;but the trouble is,I‘ve read everything I could get hold of.”

13.“How would you like to take my new book of travels?”

14.Fritz’s eyes danced.“Oh!may I?may I?I‘d be so carefulof it.”

15.“Yes,”answered Joe,“and perhaps I’ve some others you would like to read.And Fritz,”he added,a little slyly,“I wouldask you to come and help sail my boat to-day,but someone has torn up the sails and made a great hole in the bottom.Who do you suppose did it?”

16.Fritz‘s head dropped upon his breast;but after a moment he looked up with a great effort,and said,“I did it,Joe;but I can’t began to tell you how sorry I am.You didn‘t know I was so mean,when you promised me the books?”

17.“Well,I rather thought you did it,”said Joe,slowly.

18.“And yet you didn’t”-Fritz could not get any farther,for his cheeks were in a perfect blaze,and he rushed off without another word.

19.“Cousin Herbert was right,”said Joe to himself;“that coal does burn;and I know Fritz would rather I had smashed every egg in his basket than offer to lend him that book.-But I feel fine;”and little Joe took three more summersaults,and went home with a light heart,and a grand appetite for breakfast.

20.When the captain and crew of the little vessel met at the appointed hour,they found Fritz there before them eagerly trying to repair the injuries;and as soon as he saw Joe,he hurried to present him with a beautiful little flag which he had bought for the boat with part of his egg-money that very morning.

21.The boat was repaired,and made a grand trip,and every thing turned out as cousin Herbert had said.And Joe‘s heart was so warm and full of kind thoughts,that he never was more happy in all his life.



















