



1.It was a bright winter morning,not far from the holidays,and little Dick Melville was busily collecting his dinner-basket and books preparatory to setting out for school,when his older sister asked,“Did you learn any verse this morning,Dick?”

2.“Of course I did,and said it to mother,too.It was-Oh where is my geography?-I do believe baby has hid it somewhere.Well,it began-Oh,Bridget!please put in one more slice of bread and butter.”

3.“That is the queerest verse I ever heard,”said Sam,whorather liked to tease his little brother.

4.“Now,really,Sam,I was just going to repeat it.It was,’though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,and have not charity,I am become as sounding brass,or a tinkling cymbal,‘and mother said charity meant love,and feeling kindly towards everybody;but if we are cross and hateful,then we are like ’sounding brass,‘which is-”

5.“Hear me,”interrupted curly-headed little Madge,“I learned one too-’Charity suffereth long,and is kind.‘”

6.“That is a nice verse for kind little Madge,”said Sam,lifting her on his knee.

7.“Dear me,”again broke in Dick,“where can my skates be?Fred Allen said the pond was frozen over,and we would have a great time up there after school.”

8.“Why,Dick,Gussy Burton came here last night,and toldme you said he might take them.”

9.“Now,Nelly,that is too bad!He told you a downright falsehood.He has lost his own skates,and he told me yesterday he was afraid he should not get another pair till Christmas;but he did not say a word about mine,for he knew I wanted to use them myself.”

10.“That is very strange,”said Nelly.

11.“Strange!it is downright mean,”cried Dick,vehemently,“and I will say that Gussy Burton is the slyest,most selfish boy in school,and I do not believe he would mind telling a lie any more than-”

12.“Hush a minute,”cried Sam,with a merry twinkle in his eye,“I should not think the band would be out so early in the morning,but I am sure I hear plenty of ’sounding brass‘somewhere.”

13.Little Madge eagerly listened,with her curly head on one side,but Dick,coloring,angrily retorted.

14.“I know what you mean,Sam,but if you would just look at home,I think you would find enough ’tinkling cymbals‘to match my ’brass.‘“15.”Dear little Dick,“began gentle sister Nelly.

16.”Yes,I know it,Nelly;I know I was wrong;but if you were only a boy,and loved to skate as I do,and then had every thing go wrong,you would forget all about charity,and wouldnot care a bit if you had just turned into ’sounding brass.‘“17.”Well,I did not know you were in such a sad state of mind,“said Sam,laughing.“You may take my skates,if you like them.”

18.“Oh dear,no;thank you just the same,but they are a great deal too large;”and little Dick,with a heavy step,started for school.


1.这是一个冬天。这天天空晴朗,离节日很近了,小迪克o 梅尔维尔正忙着收拾上学用的午餐盒和书,这时姐姐问他:“今天早晨你读《圣经》了吗,迪克?”







7.“亲爱的,”迪克又插话了,“我的溜冰鞋呢?弗雷德o 爱伦说池塘已经完全冻住了,放学后我们可以去滑冰了。”

8.“迪克,谷希o 伯顿昨天来了,他说你允许他拿走你的溜冰鞋了。”



11.“奇怪?这绝对是卑鄙!”迪克言辞有些激烈,“我敢说谷希o 伯顿是学校里最狡猾、最自私的小子,我不相信他会介意自己撒谎。”






