



1.Jane.Come,Julia,now our teacher is not watching us,letus have a frolic.

2.Julia.Why when he is not watching us,Jane?

3.Jane.Because,then we shall not be seen and punished.

4.Julia.Do you always take advantage in this way of thosewho trust to your honor?

5.Jane.My honor!What do you mean?Have I not a right tofrolic,if I am not found out?

6.Julia.Is it not wrong to frolic when you ought to be engaged in study?

7.Jane.Why-perhaps it is not exactly right.

8.Julia.Well,do you think any thing can justify your doing wrong,but ignorance?

9.Jane.What are you trying to prove?I do not see any harmin cheating my teacher a little,when he does not know it.

10.Julia.What do you call cheating your teacher?

11.Jane.Why,having a frolic,and neglecting a lesson ortwo,if need be.

12.Julia.I should think that would be cheating yourself.

13.Jane.How so,Miss Logic?Will you betray me?

14.Julia.Certainly not.But do tell me how you persuade yourself,that neglecting your lessons is cheating your teacher ?

15.Jane.Why,he expects me to learn the lesson,does henot?

16.Julia.Yes;but which loses,he or you,if you neglect the lesson he sets you?

17.Jane.Why,he-no,stop.What was the question,Julia?

18.Julia.I will ask you another.Do you think knowledge of any importance to us?

19.Jane.To be sure I do.What do you think I come to school for?

20.Julia.Well,what do you come to school for?

21.Jane.To acquire knowledge,I suppose you expect me tosay.

22.Julia.If knowledge is important,and you come here to obtain it,and neglect to do so,who will suffer from your ignorance,you or your teacher?

23.Jane.I know what I must answer.

24.Julia.Well,then,how is your teacher cheated by your negligence?

25.Jane.He is not cheated.

26.Julia.There you are mistaken again.He certainly iswronged,deeply wronged,by you.

27.Jane.How can that be?Is he not paid,whether I learn ornot?

28.Julia.Perhaps he is,for a time;but as soon as your parents discover that you do not learn,they will say it is the teacher’s fault;and if all the scholars did the same,the teacherwould lose all reputation as an instructor,and would soon be thrown out of employment,and,of course,suffer much by it.

29.Jane.You seem to make a serious business of my notionto have a little fun now and then.

30.Julia.I have not done yet.The cheat does not end here.

31.Jane.Who else,pray,is cheated?

32.Julia.You say your teacher is paid.May I ask,who pays him?

33.Jane.My father,to be sure.Who else,do you think,pays him?

34.Julia.And what does he pay him for?

35.Jane.For teaching me,of course.

36.Julia.Well,if you prevent his teaching you,your father ischeated by somebody;and who do you think that is?

37.Jane.You would make me a notorious cheat!Pray,is nobody else cheated by me?

38.Julia.Yes,one other;and this is the most serious part of the business.

39.Jane.You frighten me!I am sure I do not see who else besides myself,my teacher,and my parents,can be concerned in my neglecting to learn.